Part 12

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Ana’s POV

“Anabel, wake up and get your butt downstairs right now!” Wow, thanks dad. That’s a great way to wake a girl up. And why is he waking me up anyway? He’s the one who sleeps in till noon while I get up at 7a.m. to go to school. Better go see what he wants.

Dad and Marissa were seated at the table when I walked into the kitchen. Marissa had been around a lot lately. It was sort of weird; my dad usually had one night stands. Marissa motioned to me to sit down.

“What’s up, you guys?” Was I in trouble or something?

“We have some very important news.” I didn’t like where this was going…

“Anabel, meet my fiancé, Marissa.”

“Oh, we’ve already me—FIANCE?!?”

“Yep, I popped the question last night.” Dad looked proud, and Marissa kissed his cheek.

“What on earth—? I thought you didn’t like commitment!” My dad could never stand being around the same girl more than a night!

“I’m willing to change everything for Marissa.” He looked at her lovingly. “And I expect you to make her feel at home here from now on.” They got up and left the kitchen, Marissa hanging onto my dad’s arm.

“Great talk, dad.’ I muttered.        

I was walking to homeroom with Patrick and Amber. They were chatting away about a movie we had gone to see and normally I would have joined in, but I had something a little worrying on my mind.

“Are you on your period Amber?” I blurted out. She wasn’t embarrassed though.

“Nope, I just finished. Why?” Normally our periods were in sync, but this time I hadn’t gotten mine.

“I just haven’t gotten mine yet, that’s all.” Amber gave me an odd look and I knew what she was thinking, but I wasn’t going to admit the possibility to myself. There was no way I could be pr—No, don’t even think about that.

Charlie skipped up and began walking with us. There was no way he wasn’t gay. He even complimented Patrick’s scarf! Maybe he had a thing for Pat! I could set them up! That would be a great distraction from my possible preg—DON’T SAY THAT WORD, ANA! I mentally yelled at myself. I swear, if anyone could hear my thoughts they’d think I was insane.

Once we were seated in homeroom, Patrick and Charlie started chatting while Amber just sat silent and stared at me. (Miss. Pedersdatter wasn’t there; we had a substitute so we could do whatever we liked.) I tried to ignore Amber, but it became too difficult for me.

“What?” I snapped. She didn’t even notice my annoyance.

“Did you guys use, y’know… protection?” She asked me.

“Shhh! And no, we didn’t. It’s not like I really expected it to happen, it just did, and I wasn’t thinking about that at the time!”

“Anabel!” She whispered. “You’re smarter than that! Do you know what could happen?”

“Well, obviously I know. I did take health class freshman year!”

“What are you gonna do?” She stared at me, wide-eyed.

“Well I have to test first to see if I actually am. We don’t know anything for certain yet.”

“What are you going to do if you’re pregn—“

“Don’t say that word! Just call it the ‘P’ word!”

“No! You’ve got to face your fear, not run away from it. If you’re pregnant, you are screwed!”

“I told you not to say that word!” I have shouted at her.

“Pregnant pregnant pregnant pregnant  pregnant PREGNANT!” She yelled the last ‘P’ word and the whole class got quiet and stared at me.

“My dog, not me!” I quickly covered up, shooting an angry glare at Amber. “We’ll check after school, ok?” I whispered to her. She nodded and began biting her nails.

Please don’t let me be pregnant! I crossed my fingers.

“How much longer?”

“One and a half minutes. Relax Amber. The only one freaking out here should be me.”

Patrick stuck his head in and called,

“Promise me if it’s a boy you’ll name him after me!”

“And if it’s a girl I’ll name it Patricia.” I rolled my eyes. Did he not understand how serious this was?

“How much longer?”

“A minute.”

“How much lo—“

“Shut up Amber!”

She looked down at her feet. “Sorry.” We waited a moment in silence.

“How m—“

“Don’t even start, Amber.”

DING! The timer we had set went off. Amber rushed to check the pregnancy test, almost falling in the process. She looked at it a moment, then screamed,

“YOU’RE NOT PREGNANT!!!!” She started doing a happy dance and jumping in circles around me, while Pat joined her. I just sank to the floor in relief. That was far too close for comfort.

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