Part 16

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Ana’s POV

“Patrick, move! Your foot is in my way!”

“No, you’re in my foot’s way. You move! OUCH! You bit me!”

“I told you to move.”

“That doesn’t give you an excuse to bite me!”

“It gave me the perfect excuse to bite you!”

Amber and Patrick were bickering, like always. All three of us were lying on my bed and they were fighting over space. I just did my best to ignore them, trying to go to my “happy place”. Unfortunately, since my ‘temporary’ break-up with Lewis, a tornado had gone through and torn my happy place apart, so I had no comforting place to let my mind wander to.

“That’s it, Patrick Sawyer! You’re going down!”

“Not if you go down first!” They began trying to push each other off the bed. I decided to help out by sitting up and pushing them both off.

“I win.” I declared in a monotone before curling back up into a ball and lying down again.

“Moping about isn’t going to help, Ana. You should try having some fun.”

“Amber’s right. Mr. Fairbanks just said he needed time to think about things, not that you were over. You’ve got to start thinking positively. Cheer up!”

“And how am I supposed to do that? I can’t force myself to stop thinking about him!”

“Why don’t we all go out to dinner? We could go dress up and splurge at some fancy restaurant!” Amber suggested. She loved to do anything that involved dressing up, and because she was still a little emotional from her mother’s illness, (her mother was still in the hospital, but her condition had improved) Pat and I agreed to her suggestion just to entertain her.

“Yay! Let’s start off with getting Pat a suit? Can he borrow one of your dad’s?”

“Sure, my dad won’t miss it.” Amber rushed out of the room, and Pat and I exchanged an amused glance.

“Whatever makes her happy.” He grinned.

“Patrick, put this on, quick! And Ana,” she turned to me. “look what I found!” She held up a purple and gold dress. “Why didn’t you tell me you bought this? It’s gorgeous!”

“Um, I didn’t know I had it. Where did you find it?”

“Hanging in your dad’s closet.”

“Oh, then it must be Marissa’s!”

“Well, she won’t mind if you borrow it. Anyway, purple is a good color on you.”

“Don’t peek, Patrick! Ok, ok, now,” She smoothed my dress for the 300th time. “Ok, now look!” He opened his eyes and whistled at me.

“Presenting Miss Anabel Lee Rogers!” Amber announced, laughing. She had dressed me, brushed out my hair, and put makeup on me like I was her personal doll, but I didn’t mind.

“Now it’s your turn, Amber!” I went into my dad’s room and searched through Marissa’s clothes for a dress. Marissa had told me I could borrow any clothes I liked of hers but I hadn’t gone through them until now. She actually had a great fashion sense. I selected a cute little red dress for Amber, knowing she’d love it. Red was her favorite color, after all.

“A lot of people are staring at us…” Amber murmured to me and Patrick as we walked into the restaurant in our dresses and, in Patrick’s case, a very handsome suit. It was true, a lot of heads were turning.

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