Part 13

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Ana’s POV

Diary Entry – 10/1

Dear Diary,

I’ve had you for a month and I’ve only written in you 3 times! I’m so sorry! But that’s not what I wanted to write about.

So I’m not pregnant. I decided to ask my dad if I could get on the pill after that little scare, and he decided to give me the sex talk. His ‘sex talk’ consisted of him telling me, “Sex is fun, go out into the world and have all the sex you want, but if you bring home a baby, you’re on your own.” Love you too, dad.

My birthday is tomorrow. I’m pretty excited. Pat, Amber, and Charlie are throwing me a party at the beach tomorrow night, which sounds pretty fun. 17 is a bit of a wasted year though. I mean, what I’m really looking forward to is turning 18 so I can be an adult. I want to be able to live on my own. Now that Marissa has moved in, and don’t get me wrong, I really like her, it’s just a lot more crowded at home. I don’t get all the privacy I used to. I think she feels sorry for me and is trying to be the mother I never had, which is nice of her, but I really don’t need or want a mother. Maybe she’ll remember my birthday, though. Last year my dad forgot, but he felt bad and gave me his credit card to use for the day. I bought myself an entirely new wardrobe and donated most of my old clothes to the homeless shelter. I didn’t want to waste anything.

I’m sleepy so I think it’s time for bed. Next time you hear from me I’ll be 17!

Until next time,


“I made you birthday waffles!” Marissa squealed as I walked into the kitchen. It was October 2nd, and I was officially a 17 year old girl that much closer to becoming an adult, but first I had to eat waffles shaped like hearts with smiley faces on them. It was a nice gesture. By my plate was a little box. I looked at Marissa, confused.

“I got you some of those pills you wanted. You should probably take one; you’re seeing your boyfriend today, aren’t you?” She beamed at me as I blushed and thanked her.

At school I was greeted by a little welcoming party my friends had arranged for me. As I walked through the school gates, they all began to sing happy birthday to me. Pat and Amber rushed forward to hug me and give me balloons and presents.

“Wait till lunchtime to open the presents though!” Amber told me.

I opened my locker before homeroom to find a bouquet of roses in there. With them was a note that said

From yours truly, L

Lewis. I smiled.

Lewis wasn’t at school that day though. Our substitute in art told us he “took a personal day off”. I wondered why he hadn’t told me. It must be important though.

At lunch I was greeted just like I had been in the morning. Pat, Amber, and Charlie proudly showed me how they had decorated the entire cafeteria with balloons and streamers. Afterwards they made me open presents.

From Patrick I got all my favorite candies, a purse and a bracelet.

From Charlie I got a scarf and a pair of shoes Patrick had helped him pick out.

From Amber I got a scrapbook full of our favorite memories and a personalized picture frame with a goofy picture of us in it.

I gave them all huge hugs and continued admiring the gifts until I got a text. It was from Lewis, saying

Come to my place after school.

I replied

What for?

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