Ghost | L

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"Hey there demons, it's me, ya girl!" You grab your camera and shook it as you introduce yourself to the dark space. 

You hummed energetically to entertain your fans, walking deeper into the forgotten orphanage. This video was for sure going to get you a million views! The vibe radiating from this place screamed ghost and you were hoping to capture one on camera.

Wammys House for Gifted Children was long since deserted and abandoned for a reason yet unknown. You had found out about its tie to supernatural entities over a comment you had read suggesting you to fly to England to check it out. 

Shivers discreetly drew down your spine. The place seemed normal but one thing you couldn't get over was the fact that everything was intact. 

The furniture was still in place and if it wasn't for the dust and the absence of voices, you would've thought the children were out for a field trip and coming back soon for supper.

"They must be shy." You think out loud, turning to the camera and shrug.

"I'm not shy but hello." 

Spying a figure in your camera feed, your eyes widen at the monotone voice and flip around quickly.

"I'm also not a demon." The pale, almost translucent ghost said. 

"OMG! Look guys! It's a ghost! I told you I was legit!" You screeched at the camera, a mixture of both joy for finally succeeding and horror for a ghost was right in front of you.

Said ghost did not look impressed.

"Is this what future generations have gotten to?" They muttered, more to themselves.

"I don't know if I should be offended or insulted or both."

"Why-" Before the ghost could continue their sentence, you flip your camera and put on your best smile. Dashing over to them faster than the speed of light, you pose to take a selfie with them.

"As you can see beloved audience, this ghost is-" Realizing your mistake, you turn to the ghost. You could vaguely make out a masculine build but you lived in a time and era where the first question you ask isn't supposed to be what is your name.

Clearing your throat and trying to calm down your racing heart, you ask, "What are your pronouns?"

"Pronouns?" The ghost asks, almost confused. They were a little stunned by the unexpected question. 

You analyze the ghost, making sure to get it on camera. They were wearing a plain white shirt with ghostly looking blue jeans. "Yeah, pronouns. It's what you would go by, like for example, my name is Y/N and my pronouns are she/her."


You had to squint to make out the figure that had suddenly gotten blurry around the edges. "No one has asked me that before." The ghost solemnly said. The ghost was now almost close to transparency and you could barely see him if it weren't for your camera feed.

"Dude. That doesn't really answer my question." You zoom the camera in his blurry figure. "Mind telling the audience."

"I go by he/him." He answered, moving to the side to avoid the camera that in his face.

You almost couldn't believe it. You asked a ghost what their pronouns are and got it on film! Moving the old camera so it was a suitable distance from him, you note that his presence went back to semi-transparent so it was more visible. 

"Mind taking us on a tour and telling us why your dead?" You bravely ask, hoping he would say yes.

"... I have nothing better to do." 

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