Video Game | Main Trio (Light, L and Misa)

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(So ooc it may as well be ocs)

A flashing textbox beeped in your face, lighting up the dark space. Leaning forward to read the message, you squinted through the eye strain. Frowning as you read the words, you couldn't help but marvel at how realistic message seemed. 

The words, You lost, weren't the most remarkable thing you had seen. It couldn't be, not after you had received the same message each time you played the game. What you were astonished at was the dripping blood in the corner of the textbook, somehow capturing the same viscosity and colour of the deep crimson substance.

That hadn't been there before.

Maybe a new update had happened and you didn't notice, you convinced yourself, shrugging it off. Moving your mouse to click off the message, you hear a yell from outside your room.

"Mom said you're not allowed on the computer!" A whiny voice called out. "You didn't share with me!"

Immediately recognizing your annoying brother, you yell back. "I don't have to share with you; it's my computer!"

"Y/N!" Your stern mother forcefully tries to open the door but it was locked. "If I don't see you and your brother playing together in the next 5 minutes, you're grounded!"

Closing off the tab, you huff as you push your chair back. Getting up and making sure your Death Note Game was concealed, you unlock the door, glaring at your smug brother. "I'd rather be grounded than play with him."

Your brother turns to your mom and starts crying.

That brat, you berate him in your head, knowing that if you said it out loud, your mom would be on you in less then a second.

It didn't take a genius to tell who the favourite was in your household. 

"Look what you did!" Your mother hugged your brother, scolding you. "B/N is crying because of your hurtful words."

B/N snuck a sneaky smile from in-between her arms.

One hit is all it takes... 

"All you do is stay inside and play games all day." Your mother chided you, causing you to roll your eyes. "Why aren't you like the other kids? Like Ms. Dakotas son. I heard the other day, he got 1500 on his SAT test!"

Because instead of studying, I had to clean the whole house.

Scoffing, she looked at you with something akin to disgust. "You only got 1100 and you didn't even get accepted into any Ivy League schools."

With every word, you felt like another weight was dropped on your shoulders. Despite your  uncaring persona you had donned, it still stung bitterly whenever your mother brought up your failures, especially in front of other people.

 "B/N is such an angel compared to you."

"Why are you a disappointment?"

"If only you died instead of your father."

Before you knew it, your eyes started burning and you could feel the threat of tears about to break. 

"Oh, I see what you're trying to do." Your mom exaggerated, seeing the little droplets pool around the corners of your eyes. "Now you're crying to make ME the villain. Go ahead, cry because that's all you do."

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