Therapist [Part 2] | L

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(Very OOC characters and Mello and Near are aged up in this.)

The door slammed shut as you sighed, taking off your glasses and rubbing your eyes.

"That was the last one." You muttered under your breath, leaning against the door tiredly. "Rent is due next week, too."

Hearing your muttering, a woman at her desk narrowed her eyes, taking a break from typing on her computer. One look from the glaring secretary made you roll your eyes. 

"I'm leaving, no need to give me the death stare, lady." The calm, sophisticated demeanor to which you started the day with chipped away with every failed job interview you went to. As you left the door, you slammed your resume on her counter, causing her to flinch.

Giving her an uninterested look, you tried to mask your annoyance. "If your boss suddenly starts to recognize talent, then give me a call."

"Hooligan." You heard her say as you left the building.

Clenching your fist, your anger dissipated into a depressing sludge. "There's no use fighting. They'll only see what they want to see." 

I don't know what would be better. Staying at my old job or having no job.

Months had passed after you handed in your resignation note. You tried your best to push that chilling encounter with L to the back of your mind as you moved to Los Angeles. Thinking that the new environment would be a nice change of pace, you were sadly mistaken when you found the city life difficult to keep up with. 

"Why do I keep getting rejected? I have years of experience and it's not like I'm not a model citizen." You think out loud, walking back to your small apartment along the narrow sidewalk. You lowered your gaze to the cement, trying not to make eye contact with the homeless people camping out. Sorry, you thought, I'm just barely making it through. "If I get a job, I swear I'll start donating to help the poor."

Seeing your shabby apartment, you couldn't help but smile bitterly. "I should be grateful I at least have a place to stay."

Pushing open the doors, they creaked loudly, alerting your arrival.

"Good morning, Miss. Y/N!" You hear the receptionist call out. Turning to your left, a gangly boy no older than 12 greets you, waving his hand wildly.

You chuckle, waving back. "Good morning, Flavio. Although, I do think it's closer to afternoon."

"Really?" He asks. "Well, then, do you remember that friend I told you about?"

Trying to remember who he was talking about, you try to recall a face or name but fail. "Who?"

"The blonde one with the weird haircut." Flavio explains, moving his hands animately. "I don't think you've met him but he lives on the same floor as you."

Thinking, you hum. "Do you mean the grumpy neighbour who's always screaming at 3 AM?"

"Yeah, he's arriving soon."

You didn't miss the sly smirk he had when he said that you should stay to meet him. Ignoring his attempts to bring you and his friend together, you say that you're tired and walk to the elevator. 

"Maybe next time." You press the up button on the elevator but it doesn't light up.

"I'll hold you to it, Miss. L/N." Flavio deflates, but keeps his chirpy attitude up. One day, his ship will sail. He was sure you and the guy you never met were meant to be.

"Sure, yeah." You nod absentmentally, humouring him. You turn your attention back to the elevator panel. "It can't be broken again. Last I recall, it was fixed last week." Jabbing the button over and over, you yell out to Flavio.

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