Blizzard | Christmas Special

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(Appropriate characters have been aged up)

How long had it been? You couldn't answer that.

It started as days. Long days that stretched and stretched, endless cycles of sleeping and waking. You didn't even remember how long you were stuck inside.

You longed to go home but the weather outside made it near impossible, and L insisted on you staying over. It didn't help that the power went out as well, turning all the lights off and the heating was non-existent. Luckily, the detective had an emergency generator but it was used very sparingly.

Watching the T.V intently, you leaned against the sofa, shivering as you wrapped the blanket closer. L sat beside you, sharing the same blanket, stating that it was to conserve body heat. You didn't mind; the detective gave off a warm heat that was welcoming in the cold air.

Searching the news, your eyes didn't stray for a second. The woman on the channel wore the same outfit like every other day, reporting the same information while sitting on a brown desk, not unlike the one the fake L used.

"The blizzard of the century is still blazing through, leaving thousands of people powerless. The authorities recommend people to stay indoors and to stay warm because the electricity lines have frozen over." Her dialogue never changed and even though you knew that, you were still disappointed.

Sensing your disappointment, L took the remote from your cold hands and turned off the T.V. 

"It's not productive to linger over that." 

"I know." You sigh, a puff of frozen air appearing. "I just want to go home."

Ls face was blank. Expressionless, like usual, so you didn't bother looking at him to decipher what he felt. 

He didn't understand. The detective had read you like a book multiple times and reached to the conclusion that you hated going outside. Maybe you were homesick. Did he not try enough to make this seem like a home to you?

"It's Christmas Eve." He changed the topic.

Your eyes widened in disbelief. "Already?" Shocked at how fast the time passed, your eyebrows raised. "I can't believe it. Although, somehow, it feels like we already celebrated Christmas?"

Your mind was foggy and the cold made your teeth chatter. For some peculiar reason, you felt as if this wasn't the first Christmas you spent with the detective. Just how long exactly had the blizzard been going on for?

"That's the twisted perception of time your mind came up with." L put a thumb below his lip, examining your face. "The lack of entertainment and human socialization had caused your conscious to place events to the giant gap."

"Oh." You think about it, looking around the dim room. "I suppose."

It was Christmas already. It was the day to spend time with family and yet you were hundreds of kilometers away from your husband of 2 years. 

Twisting your hands slightly, you mumble under your breath. "I miss him."

L catches your hands, warming your red hands. "I know." His voice was too quiet for you to detect the malice that laced it. Rubbing small circles on your knuckles, he interlaced your hands sneakily, relishing the missing spot where your ring was supposed to go. 

"Mello has to be trying to get to me. Don't you think so?" You ask almost desperately. "I don't think the States are affected."

"Y/N. There's a high probability of him moving on." L shrugged.

You didn't believe that but a sliver of doubt slipped in. There was no way your husband would leave you. Right? 

"But, you don't know him like I do, L." You tried convincing him. You didn't know why you felt the urge to explain why Mello wouldn't divorce you but you had the feeling to defend your marriage. "Since Wammys, he's always been hot-tempered, sure, but he doesn't give up!"

With every word you spoke, L found himself bearing more hatred for Mello. 

No one would mind with he went missing, would they? He thought rationally. Yes, Mello was one of the candidates for his heir, but if L was being honest, he found Near a better choice than him.

But, then again, he couldn't tell you that Mello had gone missing or cheated on you without you being suspicious. Mail lines were supposedly cancelled and he told you that electricity and phone lines had stopped working. The excuse he had for some lights and the T.V. was because of the small generator he had kept in case for emergencies. There was no way for L to know that without suspicion of foul play.

It was a tough decision, but he decided against it.

There was no use dirtying his hands for now when his current plan was working. He could see you warming up to him and despite your insistence, he could tell that all he had to do was be more patient.

Soon, you'd start seeing things his way.

You would be locked in the tower for the rest of your life and you wouldn't even notice. L would spend his days with you and although it wasn't morally ethical, he was genuinely happy even with the thought.

So, he'd play along. For now, at least. He would play the long game, just for you. 

"I love him! I really do!" You almost shout in Ls face. You were unknowingly throwing salt into his wound.

Patience. L had to remind himself, restraining himself from calling Watari to arrange a disappearance.

As you ranted on, you started to feel bad. Removing your hands from L, he reluctantly let them go, you looked at the place on your finger where your ring was supposed to be. It was empty. You couldn't describe the immense guilt you felt for loosing it. You simply thought you accidentally lost it and you started thinking you were a bad wife.

She looks sad. Is it because her ring went missing? L pondered, skipping over the little detail that he was the one who stole your expensive 4 carat emerald ring months ago.

Seeing you almost close to tears almost made him mirror the same emotion. He didn't want you to look like that. That emotion - sadness - had no business infesting you. Taking a bold risk, he took your hand again.

His other hand rested on your cheek, his thumb ghosting over the curve of your lip. "Don't cry. It's not your fault that you were caught up in these unfortunate circumstances."

It was mine.

"L..." You lean into him for a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Thank you."

He froze for a few seconds, not expecting the contact, then reciprocated. You could've sworn, he purred like a cat.

Moving forward had caused you to accidentally sit on the remote, causing the T.V. to turn on, scaring you. Jolting, L calmed you down by placing a hand on your back. 

"The blizzard of the century is still blazing through, leaving thousands-" The detective quickly took the remote and clicked it off. You frowned, remembering something. L noticed and hugged you closer. 

"Strange. I could've sworn she said that before?" You commented, staring at the dark T.V. screen.

"There's nothing else to report on, I suppose." L quickly follows up.

"Oh, that makes sense."

If only you had checked the date in the upper corner of the channel. If only you noticed the so-called broadcasting was a recording. If only you counted the days and realized that almost 2 years had passed. 

There were a lot of if-onlys.

And if only you payed attention to those.


(1233 words)

Merry Christmas!

It feels like Christmas creeped up far too quickly, especially with my winter break starting literally 2 days before. -_- Thanks school. Luckily, because of the blizzard, I got Friday off, yoo-hoo!

Anyways, I'm trying to write a script for a short film for a film festival and I have no ideas. If anyone has an interesting prompt that hopefully doesn't require a lot of equipment for inspiration, I would love to hear it!

One last message, stay safe. COVID cases are on the rise and your health is the first priority!

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