6 | Penelope Starr

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HAND IN HAND, DALLAS WALKED with Sebastian to class

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HAND IN HAND, DALLAS WALKED with Sebastian to class. He wished her luck as he opened the door for her, and after a peck on the cheek, he left for his accounting class. Dallas thought nothing would swipe the ginormous smile on her face, but it fled the very second she stepped past the threshold and walked into class. Her eyes widened in a mix of amusement, dread, and shock when she looked around the class and notice that a small basket sat on each tabletop, a baby nestled into the blankets and pillows set up inside.

Dallas glanced at her desk, the blend of inexplicable feelings pouring into her a second time when she noticed a crib positioned there too. A line of paper tape sprawled out across the table by the crib, and Dallas walked closer to peruse the words etched into the thin cartridge.

'Dallas and Mathias'

Her stomach tied into knots.

"Please drop your homework in the basket and take a seat, Ms. Addison," Mrs. Troublefield instructed as she stopped writing on the board for a moment and over her shoulder at the noisy classroom. "Pipe down, kids!"

"Sorry," Dallas mumbled to herself and slipped into her seat after dropping off her homework. She placed her notebook on the tabletop and flipped it open to copy whatever the teacher wrote on the board, but paused upon noticing those were instructions to be later expounded upon and rephrased.

'The Baby Project :)'

1. Work in your pairs
2. Listen to further instructions, don't do anything until told
3. Report to Mrs. Troublefield in the case of a faulty baby or any other hindrances

Dallas frowned. She was already having an issue.

She turned in her chair and glanced at the lonely chair at the back of the classroom. She searched the entire room but her brown-haired partner was nowhere to be seen. Pulling in a deep breath, Dallas mentally calmed herself. The project didn't even start yet, but she was already having issues with Mathias. First, was the fact he avoided her like the plague, and now, skipping classes?

Irate, Dallas shook her head in dismay and flipped to a clean page in her book.

The door swung open.

"Mr. Starr, you're late."

Dallas's head snapped up from her book, and she instantly saw Mathias standing there at the front, wearing the same red hoodie from last week and washed-out blue pants, and a pair of scruffy blue Nike sneakers that had obviously seen better days.

Today he walked with a small portable whiteboard. He scribbled something on it and turned it for the teacher to see.

"That's fine, just try not to let it happen again. I love it when my kids are here on time," Mrs. Troublefield said with a frown. She looked at Mathias's hands and noticed his whiteboard and the piece of folded paper he carried in the other. "Is that your homework? Please leave it in the basket there and take a seat then, kiddo!"

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