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Dallas sat alone by her desk at the front, rocking Penelope in her basket. Mrs. Troublefield swung by the table and conducted a swift and chaste examination of the baby before delicately lowering her back into her crib and stepping away.

"Well done, Ms. Addison. Not a scratch or bruise so far!" the teacher beamed, repetitively smacking her hands together like an overzealous little kid. "But, even though you're doing well, I need to see something more to this than just a project," the woman turned to the class and spoke, "Yes, you all learn to take care of a baby in this project, but that's not what it's all about, and that's why I suggested you go out on dates! Become one with the project!"

Murmurs spread through the class and some students gave the teacher bewildered looks, Dallas included. What part of 'grade', 'boyfriend/girlfriend', or 'project' did that woman not comprehend? A few of the girls in the classes already had boyfriends in other classes or school, so actively encouraging those girls to go on dates or 'get to know' other boys was asking for trouble; a recipe for disaster.

"Dallas, I know you and Mathias had some issues in the beginning. Has it been resolved?"

Dallas nodded.

"Proof! Show me proof!" Mrs. Troublefield emphasized, like a hyperactive theatrical director trying to instill some level of enthusiasm into his overworked, lazy troops. "Students, I am not as crazy as you think. In fact, I'm quite normal. The only thing I wish is that you show some level of creativity and motivation for this project. Creativity adds to your final mark, lest you forget."

And even one mark made a difference. Dallas learned that the hard way.

As she folded her lips under, she pried deeper into the matter. Creativity. How could she and Mathias incorporate that into their project? Sure, they hung out once and it wasn't so bad, but that didn't mean Dallas wanted to continuously duck behind Sebastian's back and go to Mathias. She rather spent her time with Sebastian anyway, but what could she do when her grade teetered on the thin line between pass and fail? The whole reason for working so hard was to get scouted by a recruiter from Columbia University.

Dallas stroked her throbbing temples and closed her eyes, letting a cleansing sigh flow out her mouth. Back against the wall, she had no choice in the matter, and actively working towards a solution seemed like a better thing to do than aimlessly slamming her head into a random wall. Even if it was to just snap a few pictures of Mathias as proof they hung out, Dallas planned to do that. How hard could it be?

If it was proof Mrs. Troublefield wanted, it was proof she would get.

But first, how could she find Mathias or get in contact with him? Furthermore, it was his turn to keep Penelope.

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