23 | Overreacting

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Mathias | Dallas

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Mathias | Dallas


Mathias pried his eyes from his phone screen and looked at Beckett, who held a knee-length black dress in front of her body. Tiny sequins lined the hem and waistline of the dress, creating a pattern and design that seemed too elegant for the evening.

"Too formal," Mathias signed. "I'd expect to see that at prom, homecoming or spring formal, not a party."

A frown bent Beckett's lips as she held the dress an arm-length away. She placed it against her chest once again and peered at her reflection through the mirror on her dresser, a thoughtful look on her face. "You're right. It's too flashy. I'll find something else." she moved over to her closet and put the dress away before rifling through for something else.

Mathias's overgrown bangs flopped against his cheeks as he threw his head back and sighed, mentally exhausted. So far, it felt like he saw Beckett pull an infinite amount of clothes from her closet even though it'd really been less than ten. Everything was either formal or semi-formal; she'd be far too overdressed if she went with any.

Beckett sighed too and joined Mathias on the bed, her unrestrained black hair spilling across the white sheets of her mattress as she heavily fell on her back. As a moment of silence fell over them, Mathias gladly seized the opportunity to take a break. He blew his bangs out of his face and reached for his phone again, pulling up his Yoohoo app and scrolling through.

His eyebrows knitted together. No new messages.

"Hey, who're you texting?" the bed shifted as Beckett rolled over onto her elbows and peered at Mathias's phone screen. Her lips curled into a tiny smirk when she caught a glance of a girl's photo set as the display image of one of the chats. "Ooo, is it a girl?"

Mathias shook his head and clicked the power button in record time.

"It's not ... mind your own business."

"Come on, Mathias! Why are you being like this?" Beckett whined. "I'm stressed, can't you see?"

No matter how much Mathias pondered it, he just couldn't see the big fuss behind what Beckett wore or what she didn't. Sure, there was always the probability that it could influence the events of the night, but would the results be so big and memorable to the point they had to spend over an hour shuffling through her closet?

"Why don't you wear what you usually wear at school?" Mathias crossed his fingers. Maybe Beckett would get fed up too and just call off the whole thing. Then, and only then, Mathias could go home.

An image from earlier flashed in his mind, reminding him of his mother shoving him out of the house, declaring that he should enjoy the party since it was his final year. When Mathias argued that he had to care for Penelope, Marcella only reassured him that she would, and everything would be fine.

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