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Mathias | Dallas

THERE WAS JUST SOMETHING ABOUT MATHIAS Dallas couldn't quite put her finger on.

That's the thought Dallas pondered as she lay on her stomach, elbows propped up against her mattress and fingers sliding down her laptop touchpad. Her eyes, framed by a pair of nerd glasses, moved down the results of her Google search, the illuminated screen reflecting off her glasses. She analyzed all the web links, trying to find one that stood out to her most.

How does someone have two different eye colours?

40 Celebrities with different-colored eyes

Before Dallas knew it, she'd lost track of time scrolling through web pages and related forums, feeding herself with information.

She put a name to the phenomenon: Heterochromia Idris.

"What are you looking at?"

Dallas swiftly clicked off the site and closed the tab, just before Leila hopped on the bed next to her. "Ah, it's nothing. Just some dumb homework as usual." she smoothly covered up as she gestured towards the series of mathematical equations littered across her computer screen.

Her ginger hair was caught in a messy bun atop her head, and pulled away from her face, revealing her high cheekbones, razor-sharp jawline, and plush lips that were curling into a snarl. She turned her nose up in discontent, her baby blue eyes twinkling in the low lighting.

"Uh, boring!" she drawled.

Dallas shrugged, unsure of how to respond. "Well, I have to do it anyway." as she turned back to her laptop, Leila smoothly dipped in and swiped the device off the bed and into her lap.

"Or we can talk for a while," Leila suggested as she closed the laptop.

Dallas knew what was coming, but she sat up on the bed too and put on a smile, trying her best to be excited about whatever fell from Leila's lips.

"Is it about Paxton?"

Scoffing, Leila fanned Dallas off as though she were a nuisance fly. "I told you in over him. Yeah, we fücked at his place since we broke up but I'm honestly sick of his shit. Why can't he just be my boyfriend? Why do I have to be sharing him with ten other bitches?" she ranted, throwing her hands out to the side in distress as she grew more and more desperate. "He's obviously the problem, not me. I mean, who wouldn't want to date me?"

Leila brought her hand down her midriff to bring focus to her glistening navel ring under her crop top and long, endless legs sprawled out on the bed, as though she were a prize no man could resist. That was partially true. Being the raucous and voluptuous ginger she was, guys watched her from afar, too insecure to approach or because they dreaded the inescapable rejection that spawned from the fact that they neither played football nor looked like Brandon Flynn.

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