18 | The Polished Truth

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Seb❤️: Where r u??

Seb❤️: hello?

2 missed calls at 3p.m

"I REALIZED THAT IT'S BETTER TO HAVE A SUBJECT when you're taking pictures instead of just taking a picture, you know? For example..." Eden briefly paused as he moved over to a stack of squared plastic discs displaying images that had already been through all the stages of printing. He slid one from the deck and flipped it vertically so Dallas could make out the trace of a girl sitting in the grass, her hair airily sitting on her shoulders as she blew bubbles into the sky. "This one ... what do you see?"

"A girl blowing bubbles. I guess she's the subject?" Dallas asked as her eyes flicked back up to Eden's, who smiled.

"Yes!" he exclaimed and clapped. "See, that's why I really like the photo you took of Penelope by the pool. You blurred the background and that makes it so perfect. Penelope was the focus while the water acted as the background, and the lighting was amazing. It's really good, Dallas!" he cheered, and Dallas felt her cheeks getting hot under the fervent praises. "Have you taken anything since?"

"Well, I—" Dallas began, but her phone buzzed against her leg in her pant pocket. She pulled it out to see that it was yet another text from Sebastian. He missed her and wanted to meet up since he didn't have football practice that afternoon.

"Um, Dallas? No lights please," Eden said as gestured to the dark room that shrouded them. "The light can—"

"I know, sorry," she clicked the power button and excused herself. Stepping out of the room, she had to squint to get re-acquainted with all the unfiltered, uncontrolled light that poured in from every window, open door, and crevasse. Shielding her eyes as though she stood in the sun, she opened her boyfriend's chat log and constructed a text of her own.

Dallas: I'm still in school. I'm finishing up some work now

Sebastian's response was immediate.

Seb❤️: what work? Where? Let me help you

Dallas: no, it's fine. I'll see you in ten minutes

Seb❤️: fine

Dallas sighed as she read his response. She knew him so well that she could now decode his texting lingo, and now the vibe was telling her that he wasn't too happy with her subtle evasion tactics. It couldn't be helped though. What would he say or do if he found out Dallas was now a fully-fledged member of the Everythingship club?

What would he do when he found out that Eden and Mathias were all members of the club?

Dallas pulled in another sharp breath as she recalled what happened at Tino's diner that night he saw Mathias and Beckett. First Sebastian implied Dallas knew Mathias was there, then he grew tense, then dropped the attitude hammer out of nowhere before storming out. Finding out about her new pastime was the last thing she wanted.

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