52 | Friendly Confessions

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Not sure if anyone is still reading this but if you are, thank you for sticking with me up until now :) three more chapters to go!

Not sure if anyone is still reading this but if you are, thank you for sticking with me up until now :) three more chapters to go!

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Mathias | Dallas

BECKETT TAPPED THE POWER BUTTON on her phone and tilted the screen to take a quick look at the home screen, her shoulders sagging when, yet again, 0 notifications greeted her. She released an audible sigh as she slumped on the table, closing her eyes, trying to suppress the disappointment that surged through her. Eden glanced over from the desk next to her. He leaned over and nudged the back of her arm with the rubber end of his pencil.

"Beckett, are you seriously sleeping in class?" he lowered his voice to a whisper so that their teacher, Mr. Brown, wouldn't be able to hear him. The teacher, Mr. Busis, was seated at the front of the class, furiously marking their homework so he could hand it back to the class before the final bell sounded in the next five minutes. "Are you all right?"

Beckett braced herself, blowing away a few errant strands of hair that somehow managed to work their way into her face. After a moment, she looked at Eden, noting the worry etched into his features. "Yeah, I'm fine, it's just..." she trailed off, not wanting to explain exactly. How desperate and pathic would she sound if she openly admitted that she'd been waiting for a text from Paxton all that time? "I'm just a bit tired, don't worry."

The worried look on Eden's face faltered a fraction, though it didn't go away completely. He pushed his glasses up the slope of his nose before glancing towards the front of the class and all the notes on the board he was yet to hot down. "Yeah, it is a boring session," when he turned back to Beckett, she was checking her phone again. "I've never seen you use your phone this much in class before. You know, being the model student and all."

Model student.

That's what everybody knew her to be; being on the student council committee, the students at school naturally looked up to her to be better than them, and the title also appeased her Indian parents, who were all about academics and overachieving in school. The countless badges littered on her blouse were living proof of that. But there she was, glued to her phone for the majority of the weekend and week since she and Mathias left Sebastian's family retreat early.

Her stomach clenched uneasily as she recalled the events from their mini-vacation, everything that transpired.

The truth is, she was waiting for a text from Paxton.

Truthfully, she avoided him for days at the retreat after he visited her room that night, clearly only after one thing. However, his apology days after caught her off-guard, even more so by the fact that he actually wanted to hang out with her and talk about books and random stories. Sometime along the day Paxton reached over and plucked her phone from her hands, casually punching in his digits before handing it back.

For days, she was in the clouds, drunk on happiness. But that came to a screeching halt in little to no time, because after an initial message of exchange, Paxton never once replied to her messages after that - the seen icon remained on both of the texts she last sent to him, three and two days ago respectively. Replying to a guy like Paxton would be a non-issue, especially seeing how he was constantly on his phone, even while on their trip.

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