Six: Strangers

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The two of you wished that you could spend forever in each other's arms but the night had to end. In a flash the weekend was over and Tate went back to school. Leaving you all alone and bored out of your mind. There is only so much you can do to amuse yourself in this house. After starting a book and then listening to some music there was nothing left to do. That's how you found yourself tearing through Tates closet looking at all his clothes. His room was a complete mess once you finished your small fashion show. Cleaning managed to take up a fair amount of time. Even then though you had hours to wait till Tate was coming home. It's only noon you have hours left until you get to see Tate. Many, Many, Many hours with nothing to do.

"Who are you? And what are you doing in my brother's room?" Your head snapped to the sound of the voice finding a small girl standing in the doorway to Tates room. This must be Adelaide or Addie like Tate and his mom call her. You've seen her around the house and Tates mentioned her once or twice but you've never met her personally.

You're not sure what to say, how is one supposed to explain why a complete stranger was in her brother's room? She was staring at you. She didn't look scared though, just curious. "I'm Y/n" she seemed to recognize the name as she made her way into the room and on the bed next to you. She was quick to look you over, eyeing you up and down.

After she finished assessing you she gave you a large smile. "Your Tates friend he talks a lot about you." You didn't think he told anyone about your relationship but finding out he's been talking about you to his sister makes you blush. What has he been saying? "He's right you are a pretty girl" Addie adds as if reading your mind.

"Your brother told me about you as well '' It's true Tate has told you a lot about his siblings. He's very fond of them. Tate has told you many stories mostly with Addie; she seemed to be his favorite.

Addie breaks the silence asking if you can make her a pretty girl just like you. A makeover is the perfect way to kill time. You don't have a lot of things for a proper makeover after all it is a boys room but Addie tells you to wait and she'll get everything the two of you will need. She's only gone for a few minutes before she comes back, her arms full of various items. You help her set everything on the bed before you go shifting through it. She grabbed makeup, nail polish, a curling iron, and a brush. You assumed she got the majority of these things from her mothers room. Which concerns you since you know the type of woman Constance is and if she catches Addie with her things she'll be severely punished. Yet when you try to warn Addie she ignores you, giving you a bright smile. One you couldn't ignore, you'll just have to be quick and put everything back before she notices.

You were right, a makeover was just the thing you needed to pass the time. Having already finished Addie's hair and makeup and now you were working on her nails. You were so focused on Addie's nails you failed to notice the time. So when Tate came through his bedroom door after a long day of school. He was surprised to see you and his sister on his bed. He stood there for a moment unsure what to do till Addie gave him a small wave with her free hand. You finally turn your attention towards Tate mimicking Addie's little wave. "Your home early" Tate didn't respond, instead pointing to a clock that read four. You were surprised at the time but laughed at your mistake. Time really does pass faster when you're not watching the clock all day.

Tate still stood awkwardly in front of his door only moving once you signaled for him to sit next to you. You tell him you're almost finished before focusing on Addie's nails once more. Tate questioned why you were painting her nails in the first place Instead of you answering though Addie did. Explaining to Tate that you were making her a pretty girl. You correct her telling her you're just dolling her up and that's already a pretty girl.

Tate smiles at the two of you, finding it cute how the two of you were behaving. He didn't think it was possible but he loves you even more seeing how you are acting with Addie. His mother wasn't nice in general but when it came to Addie she was cruel so seeing his little sister smiling warmed his heart.

When was Addie going to leave! You had long finished painting Addie's nails and putting all the things you got out back. Yet Addie was still in his room chatting away with you. The two of you are laughing and smiling and completely leaving out Tate. It was like he wasn't even there and Tate was growing increasingly frustrated by the situation. He would poke at your side but all you did was push his hand away. You weren't giving him any attention and it was driving him insane.

He was about to give up when he got an idea, he interrupted yours and Addie's conversation asking for you to paint his nails. The question made you look at him and when you saw he was serious you couldn't help but smile turning towards Addie. You tell her to grab one of the nail polishes. Tate smiled when you turned towards him, finally giving him the attention he wanted. You took his hand in yours and looked it over. His nails were surprisingly long considering you saw Tate biting his nails on multiple occasions. Addie came tumbling back into the room handing you a bubble gum pink nail polish. You can't help but giggle while Tate glares at Addie for selecting that color. "Come on you wanted this'' You quickly uncap the bottle painting his nail before he has a chance to back out.

A few moments later, Tates nails are a pretty pink. You were blowing gently on them when Tate locked eyes with Addie. He gave her a look that she understood right away. She leaned forward looking at Tates nail with a little snicker before getting off the bed. You turn to look at her, giving her a confused look. You're quick to question why she's leaving but all she says is thank you for making her a pretty girl. Before she left Tate gave her a warning about Constance seeing her but Addie just ignored him. Instead she said "You're a very pretty girl as well Tate" before shutting the door closed. You couldn't help the giggle that passed your lips. Tate was amused as well chuckling along with you. Once Tate realized the two of you were alone he was quick to kiss you. "Finally were alone"

In the Flower FieldOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara