Twenty-Two: Questions

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Ben was ready for his session with Tate, with your notes he felt confident in himself to get Tate to open up. Tate was also feeling confident as he walked into Ben's office. Messing with Ben is quickly becoming one of Tate's favorite activities. Tate immediately started talking about Violet, this time Ben was not going to let it get to him. He changes the subject, asking Tate about his mother. The change in conversation had Tate pausing slightly. Tate has mentioned his mother once before saying that she was a whore. Tate was pretty open when it came to her, but with this new information he knows there's more than one reason he hates her.

Tate is growing more uncomfortable by the second. The questions are getting too personal for Tate's liking. Even when he brings up Violet, Ben doesn't react. He doesn't like this, he's losing control and he hates it. The only thing left for him to do is run and that's what he does but just as he passes the threshold of the door Ben calls out to him. "Tate please sit down, you're not going to get better if you leave." Tate turns leaning against the frame not yet going to sit back down. Ben decided to continue to talk in hopes of getting Tate to sit back down. "You have people that care about you Tate" That has Tate laughing, a true deep laugh. It sends a chill down Ben's spine.

"No one cares", not anymore at least. He used to have someone that cared for him but she was taken from him. His heart started aching at the thought of you. He tried not to think about you but everything he did made him think of you. Even Violet reminded him of you. That's why he likes her so much. If he closes his eyes he can pretend it's your lips he's kissing, your lips were softer than hers though.

He didn't even realize Ben was talking to him to lost in his thoughts of you. "Tate, did you hear me?" Tate just shook his head no "You have people that care"

"Like who my Mom" he chuckles even at the suggestion, his mom only cares about herself.

"What about your friend Y/n?" Tate froze, how the hell did Ben know about you?

"How do you know about Y/n?" The look on Tate's face was unlike any Ben has ever seen on his face.

"Vivien and her have tea together" Ben had no idea the effect his words were having on Tate. If you're still in the house why did you leave him? You were here this whole time and never answered his calls. He wanted to scream and yell at you, he wanted to be angry at you, but his need to hold you overpowered him. He quickly left the room he needed to be alone, he ignored Ben's calls. He could feel the tears in his eyes, you promised to love him but you left him.

Violet was waiting in the hall for Tate, he didn't spare her a glance completely ignoring her as he passed her. She immediately headed for her father's office to find out what her father said to Tate to make him ignore her. Ben had no idea what Violet was talking about but he had to admit he was glad Tate was leaving her alone. He tried to tell her he had nothing to do with it but Violet wasn't listening. She just stormed out of his office and headed for the bathroom.

It's been a while since Violets did this but by now it's second nature. The blade drags across her skin leaving a trail of blood behind. Usually, the sight of blood calmed her but right now she's not even looking, her eyes focused on the reflection of the door in the mirror. She was hoping that Tate would show up just like he did when they first met. He never showed up leaving Violet to clean up her wounds.

While Violet was in her room crying Tate was in the basement sitting on the cold concrete floor. His own tears ran down his face, soft cries of your name on his lips. He felt so lonely and now that he knew you were here it just broke his heart more. He never knew what happened to you. You just disappeared and when he demanded that his mother return you to him she told him you were gone. That they released your soul from the house. He had no choice but to accept his mother's explanation. Now though he knows it was all a lie, so what did his mother do to you? 

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