Twenty-Five: Home Invasion

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Violet sat in the waiting room as her mother got checked on. They had been here for over two hours and while Violet was worried about her mother she was growing annoyed. Why couldn't they have left her at home? Lately she couldn't get a moment alone, and when she did want someone there no one was.

She was completely alone, her parents tried to understand but they couldn't only he could, but he abandoned her. Ever since he left her father's office that day he hasn't come back. She integrated her father trying to get him to tell her what he did, but he never told her anything. Tate always just showed up at her house so she has no idea how to get in contact with her, so she has to wait.

He wouldn't have left her, they connect on such a deep level that there's no way he could walk away. He would come back, yes he would be back soon.

"Violet" her head lifts at her name, her dad and mom are both standing in front of her giving her the same looks they have been giving her the past few days. Her moms face is full of concern why her father looks annoyed or maybe disappointed she can't tell. She doesn't like looking at him for too long, all she can think about is him cheating on her mom. "Come on were leaving"

"Did they find out what's wrong with you" she might not show it but she does care for her mom.

"Yeah" she takes a moment to collect her thoughts, violet knows instantly that somethings wrong. "The doctors said I was pregnant but I..." she doesn't finish her sentence but Violet knows what she means.

"I'm sorry mom" and she truly is, she knows how much her mom wants another kid.

"It's fine honey, guess it wasn't meant to be" a single tear rolls down her face before she's quickly wiping it away a fake smile making its way onto her face. "We've got our hands full with you anyway" Violet gave a small laugh.

The three of them head back to the house, each going to their bedrooms. Like every night Violet called out to Tate. Before he always seemed to know exactly when she needed him now though he was never around.

The next morning Violet walked into the kitchen only to find out that her father had left for boston. She couldn't believe that her father would just leave after her mother had a miscarriage the night before. Vivien did her best to ease Violet defending her husband. Even though she was thinking the same thing. She reasoned with Violet telling her that the two of them could have girls night. Violet just nodded, not having the heart to reject her moms offer.

Vivan made popcorn while Violet reluctantly put on a movie, she just chose a corny horror movie. Just as she was making her way back upstairs a knock at the door pulled her attention. She set the bowl down heading over to the door as more knocks sound out. She peeks through the peephole finding a woman dressed in dark clothing with blood running down her face. Her hand instantly goes to the lock. Something about this is making her uneasy. Her voice is unnervingly monotoned for her saying she is injured and in danger. She's locking the door much to the women's disdain. She begins to pound on the door, freaking her out more. Vivaan quickly shouts up the stairs calling Violet. She sent her back up the stairs with instructions to call 911. Violet hurries up the stairs grabbing her bag in search of her phone. Only to find it missing, she moves to head out the room but before he can move a hand is covering her mouth dragging her out of the room.

The masked man drags Violet to the living room. Her mother is already tied to a chair with two other masked people standing over her. The man dragging her throws her on the ground. She could run, but that would leave her mother here alone and at the hands of them. Instead she has to sit on the hard floor waiting to see what their next move is. The three of them start talking as if they aren't in the middle of a home invasion. The girl in the middle pulls out an ashtray saying something about it being the one he used on maria. The three of them talk a little more before the blonde on the end asks which one goes first. The girl in the middle points a knife at Violet a white dress is thrown at her face. She instantly refuses the item of clothing only to have the man rip her clothes demanding she put it on.

The girl in the middle began telling Vivien and Violet their plans for each of them. Confessing they were just recreating a previous crime committed in this house. The girl in the middle, the one seemingly in charge of the other two, walked over to violet. Handing her the dress once more, this time she pointed a knife in her face warning her not to make her ask again. Violet nodded her head before full force ramming it against the other girls. Violet quickly ran heading for the backdoor. She doesn't turn around but she catches a glimpse of Vivien blocking the other two giving Violet a few extra seconds. She's rounding the corner when she's grabbed, being pulled into a dark corner. She's thrashing against the strangers hold, till she hears his familiar voice.

The sight of him has her melting, now's not the time for that though. She quickly tells him that people broke in and are trying to kill her and her mom. The sounds of the intruder's steps grow closer; she knows she doesn't have any more time. He quickly tells her to lure them to the basement and before she can question the ridiculous request the blonde is racing into the room grabbing her by the arm.

While Violet is dragged away Tate makes his way to the basement. You're waiting for him, the axe he had requested resting against your leg. As soon as you spot Tate your asking about Vivien and Violet. He tells you that they're okay updating you on the situation upstairs. Being ghosts of the house you and Tate immediately noticed when Vivien and Violet started to scream.

Tate grabbed the axe from you practicing a swing before looking back at you. The two of you had already gone through the plan, neither of you wanted any harm to come to the Harmon. Tate said he can handle the three of them and told you to wait in the basement. You tried to tell him you're more than capable of helping but he just shook his head telling you that only one of you should get your hands dirty. You knew exactly what he meant, he didn't want you to kill. It was almost endearing that he didn't want you to be tainted in that wait but he was too late for that.

He placed a sweet kiss on her lips before disappearing up the stairs. A few moments passed when you heard the basement door creak open. You watched as Violet came down the stairs, a woman with a knife trailing close behind her. The two of them walked out of sight into one of the side rooms. You went to follow them, wanting to make sure nothing happened to Violet. You stop yourself when you catch a glimpse of a nurse rising out of the tub. So that's why Tate wanted Violet to lure the girl down to the basement.

Violet ran upstairs while the woman was distracted. You followed closely behind watching as she grabbed her mother and the two of them ran out the front door screaming for help. Tate showed up right behind you, bloody axe still in hand. "I'm sure Constance will be over shortly to get rid of the bodies in the basement" Tate said. He was right, the backdoor opened and Constance walked in, following the two of you silently as you led her to the bodies. Moira was already standing over the bodies.

"Grab the bleach"

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