Eighteen: Just Friends

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Constance was finding it difficult to cope with the loss of her normal child. To make matters worse she was kicked out of her home and Tate is ignoring her. Every time she tries to make contact with him he ignores her. She's called multiple psychics and mediums to help contact him but none were successful. She wasn't going to give up though, her most recent call being to a Billie Dean Howard. The woman claimed to be a medium and said she could help with contacting Tate's spirit. Constance was skeptical having heard the same thing before. Billie showed promise right away her reaction to being on the grounds of the house gave Constance hope she was different from all the others.

Billie walked through the house feeling so many spirits and their emotions. It pained her that so many innocent spirits were trapped in this house. Constance gave some insight into the circumstances of Tate's death. The way he died was horrendous and the things he did that led to his death were even more concerning. His spirit was bound to be a vengeful one full of anger and hatred. The two of them headed upstairs and to Tate's bedroom where the incident took place. His bedroom was just the way it was when he died. Minus the blood and shell cases.

Tate and you watched them as they walked around the room, the medium calling out Tate's name and moving around the room. Since he's died there's been a revolving door of psychics and mediums and other crazy people claiming to be able to contact the other side. In death, his mother seems to care about him more than when he was alive. He wondered how much money she was wasting on these frauds.

This one however seemed to be what she claimed, she stopped right in front of you and Tate. Her eyes were staring right through Tate, she might not be able to see him but she could feel him. Tate decided to just show himself appearing on his bed in front of the medium and his mother. They both jumped at his sudden appearance. His mother came rushing to his side telling him how much she worried about him and how she missed him. It almost made him laugh to see his mother act this way as though she was a caring mother instead of the horrible one she is.

Billie could feel another spirit in the room, one with a much lighter aura than Tates. When she mentioned the other spirit Tate became very defensive. He didn't want them to know about you so he changed the subject.

His mother was continuing to play the grieving mother but Tate knew what she was really grieving. Tate was her golden child, the only one of her children that had a future. At least that's what she told him constantly. She put the weight of the world on his shoulders reminding him constantly that he was lucky that he had his beauty. Nothing he ever did was good enough for her. Now though she wants to act like everything's okay and it's making him so angry.

He mouths off to her, hitting a nerve that unleashes her true self. She raises her hand and goes to slap Tate but before her hand can hit his face you catch it. Constance staggers back, setting a hard glare on you. Billie was watching from afar focusing on the way Tate was looking at you. She knew there was another spirit in the room but she was finding out a few more things. The way Tate was looking at you made it clear that the two of you know each other. There were practically hearts in his eyes as he looked up at you. Constance was too busy throwing insults and yelling at you to take notice of the way her son was staring at you.

You looked up and locked eyes on Billie. She was staring right at you with a weird look in her eyes. "Who do you think you are?" You turn your attention to Constance. You did your best to keep the disgust off your face. She didn't however allow all her hatred and disgust for me to show on her face. Tate immediately spoke up telling his mother that you're a friend of his. Constance ignored her son instead questioning you more. Followed by insults about touching her saying you had no right to intervene. Tate could tell you were about to explode so he stopped his mother. Telling his mother she needed to back off while grabbing your arm and pulling you between his legs. Constance's mouth fell open at her son's words, Tate had always been disrespectful but to blatantly choose a stranger over he sent her over the edge. She couldn't believe this, well if he wanted to play this game then so could she. She marched out of the room with Billie trailing behind her.

You and Tate let out a sigh of relief when the two of them finally leave. Tate pulls on you again this time into his lap. You welcome the contact after having to endure Constance you needed this. He pulls you closer to him, placing a deep kiss on your lips. The two of you are so engrossed in each other that you fail to see Constance.

In Constance's rage, she forgot her purse upstairs so now she's heading back to Tates' room. As she gets closer she can hear the two of you talking. She wasn't planning on listening but she couldn't help herself when she heard Tates' voice. "I'm sorry about my mom" she peeked through the creak in the door. She saw you sitting In Tate's lap, a disgusting sight. Clearly, the two of you are not just friends. She heard you tell Tate it's okay you're just glad you no longer have to see her every day.

Everything was becoming clear to her the reason her son was hiding from her and why he was talking back to her. It all made sense now he was being manipulated by you. You're the reason Tate died, you killed her perfect little boy, and you're going to pay for what you've done to her and her family.

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