Twenty: Moving On

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History is always repeating itself, a family of three moved into the house soon after the murder of the couple. It always amazes you that no matter how many murders take place in this house people still move here. The small family consisted of a mother, Father, and daughter. She looked to be roughly the same age as you and tate. You could already feel the tension between the family. The family was moving in almost right away. It wouldn't be so bad having people in the house gives you something to focus on besides Tate.

It only took a few days for you to figure out the father, ben cheated on Vivien the mother. Violet their daughter seemed to dislike both of them spending most of her time alone. Ben was a psychiatrist, working out of his home. You spent some time in his office listening to what his patients said, it was just another way to get over your boredom. It was in those sessions that you heard his voice. Tate became a patient of Bens, it's been a while since you last saw him. You try to avoid him spending most of your time in the basement. Seeing him and not being able to talk to him or touch him became unbearable. You leave the room as Tate begins talking to Ben. You don't want to intrude even if neither of them can see you. After his session, you decide to follow him. It's been a while since you've seen him. You just want to check on him, and maybe admire him a little more.

You instantly regret following him, when you see him talking with Violet. The look in his eyes when he looked at her made you nauseous. It was absolutely pathetic, of course Tate would move on. There's no reason to feel like this, you're happy, glad he's found someone. If you couldn't be with him you're glad he had someone. It seems you and Tate were never meant to be, there would never be a future for you two.

Violet and Tate became closer, hanging out all the time. While you were happy for him you couldn't watch them. You spent more and more time in the basement till they infested that too. The only place left was your flower field. It only seemed fitting that your romance that your romance should end here. You need to stop torturing yourself, you need to purge yourself of your feelings for him. You're not exactly sure how you're supposed to do that but crying seemed like a good start.

Vivien was in the kitchen making herself a cup of tea, in her own world. She looked down at the bottle of pills in front of her. So many thoughts plaguing her, too many to sort through. She felt trapped with no one to talk to her. Her Husband was an ass, always giving her therapy lessons instead of actually talking to her and her daughter had enough problems without her mother unloading more onto her. So she kept it to herself.

She was staring at the orange pill bottle when something outside caught her attention. She moved to the backdoor to get a better look. Her eyes lock on a teenage girl sitting in the middle of her backyard. She made her way outside stopping only a few feet away from you. You jump at her presence but ignore her, she can't see you, no need to acknowledge her. At least that's what you think till she asks what you're doing. You're immediately scanning the area, she's talking to you. She can see you. She waits for your answer staring at you expectantly, you tell her your name saying you live in the neighborhood. She then questions you about your tear-stained face. You don't answer at your silence. She invited you in for a cup of tea.

It was awkward at first but eventually, the two of you fell into a comfortable conversation. It's been a while since you talked to anyone. It felt nice to be heard. She asked why you were in her backyard. You explain that you just liked it and didn't know anyone moved in. A smooth lie she believed, she told you that you were welcome anytime. She then moved onto the subject of school asking if you knew Violet or if you went to the same school. You answered all her questions mostly with lies but you tried to be semi-truthful. When you went to leave she suggested you and Violet should hang out. That's the last thing you want to do but you still give her a smile saying that would be nice.

Later that night when Vivien and Ben are climbing into bed both talking about Violet. She remembered her conversation with you. Both of them were worried about Violet's lack of friends. She told Ben about her lovely conversation with the girl she met today saying that she would be a great friend for Violet. Ben nodded in agreement. He's been worried about Violet lately, maybe a new friend (A nice friend) would help her adjust.

The next day you're drinking tea with Vivien. The two of you are chatting about various things. In the beginning Vivien was hesitant to talk about her problems with you seeing as though you're her daughter's age but you're an amazing listener and your advice is actually helpful. While the two of you chat in the kitchen Ben is with a patient, Tate to be exact. Tate is one of Ben's more difficult patients. He's severely disturbed, telling Ben of his desire to murder his classmates. Tate seems forthcoming during their sessions but he can just feel he's holding something back. He started Tate on medication last session, telling him false side effects to see if he could catch him in a lie.

He asks Tate about his medication and Tate does exactly what he thought he would do. He lies about his side effects, now that he caught him in a lie he can hopefully get Tate to start telling him the truth. Unfortunately, that's not how the conversation went he couldn't get anything else out of Tate. The session ended and Tate left. Tate was a serious danger if he truly wants to kill his classmates. He has a duty to report him, one more session and if there's still no more progress then he'll report him.

That was the plan till he went into Violet's room and found Tate in there. He immediately kicked Tate out much to Violet's annoyance. Ben's terrified he wanted his daughter nowhere near Tate. He went searching for Viv right away, he needed to update her on the situation before contacting the proper authorities.

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