Nineteen: Desperation

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 The last few days Constance has been devising a plan to get rid of you. She's been conspiring with Billie (The Medium). The two of them have been researching different rituals to get rid of you. Billie suggested a simple spell, it didn't have many components, just easily muttered words and accessible materials.

It only took them a week to gather all the materials and finalize the plan. Constance couldn't wait to get her boy back. The two of them headed over to the house an extra pep in Constance's step. Constance's voice rang out in the house echoing off the empty walls. She continued to call out your name till you finally showed yourself. You were on guard as soon as she walked into the house. The last time you saw her she looked at you like she was going to kill you. So having her return, calling your name with a sickly sweet smile on her face made you more than cautious. Even in your cautious state you couldn't have guessed what would have happened next. Billie started it by saying words you couldn't fully understand, Constance joined her. The two of them are in perfect sync walking closer to you. All your questions were on the tip of your tongue and before you can even utter one a burst of light surrounds you. It disappears a second later leaving you completely confused. Nothing seemed different about you, yet Billie and Constance seemed satisfied.

Tate watched from afar his whole body freezing when the light surrounded you. You made no sound as it surrounded you and when it disappeared so did you. His whole world shattered, he stared at the spot you stood hoping you would appear again. When you didn't he returned his attention to his mother and Billie. His body filled with rage at the sight of his mother. He's spent his whole life dealing with his mother. Trying to live up to her impossible expectations. His whole life he felt completely alone. Then he met you and everything changed. He finally felt seen for who he is. Of course though now that he finally found something that makes him happy his mother has to ruin it.

The whole house shook as Tate approached the two, rage radiating off of him. The first time Billie met Tate she couldn't get a complete read of his aura. Now though she was feeling it all and it terrified her. Even Constance feared her son at that moment. So when he yelled for them to leave, neither of them hesitated. Billie left the house in fear and regret, she couldn't help but feel she made a horrible mistake.

Tate fell to the ground as soon as the door clicked shut, the tears streaming down his face once again. He kept calling out your name and you could do absolutely nothing to alert him of your presence. You were trapped, forced to observe your love fall apart crying for you.

Time seemed to freeze with you no longer in Tate's life he felt completely numb. He spent his days searching for you; he refused to believe you were actually gone. Every time you heard him call your name it broke your heart a little more. You found yourself hiding away in the basement trying to avoid seeing him.It stayed like that for a while, nothing changing the two of you numb to the world both craving each other once more. The two of you lived in the past, it didn't matter though time kept moving forward.

A new couple moved into the house. They were sweet when they were not being passive-aggressive. Unfortunately, their lives were cut short by a man dressed in a latex suit. Tate just wanted to feel something, and killing did that. It gave him a rush. He knew you would be disappointed that he killed people. Deep down he hoped you would be mad at him and yell at him giving him a sign you're okay. He would take your yelling even your hatred over this silence. The unknown was driving him insane; he had no idea if you were really gone or if you were just hidden.

Tate was once again a Killer, no longer your sweet Tate. His grief and anger controlling his actions. He felt numb and only killing made him feel something. He's not sure if it's the actual act of killing or if it's the hope that you'll show up. He'll commit every crime if it means he can see your face again even if it's filled with hatred and disgust. He needs you. Without you, he feels empty. He spends every moment thinking about you. Wondering if you're even still here, sometimes he swears he can feel you next to him. He's not sure if that's his mind's way of comforting him but it feels more like torture. Like you're just out of sight but he can hear you. Gosh, he missed your voice, your touch, everything he missed everything about you.

You felt just as desperate, before Tate the idea of eternity wasn't nearly as daunting as it is now. Meeting Tate was the happiest you've been since you died even before that. You never experienced so many intense emotions before and now you feel hollow. The only thing that brings you even a fraction of happiness is him. You live in the past reminiscing about your time with him. You're completely consumed by him, watching his every move. All you want is to touch him again to feel his soft skin.

Even when you see him covered in the blood of the couple he just murdered brutally, all you want to do is hold him. You know you should feel disgust and anger that's what you felt when he murdered those kids at school but you don't now. Something changed inside you. When Tate walks around the house soaked in blood calling out your name. A feeling of warmth floods you, he killed those people to get your attention. He's just as lost as you. Knowing that brings you comfort. 

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