Twenty-Six: Girlfriend

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It's been a few days since the break-in. Vivien and Ben are once again fighting, and Violet is still feeling completely alone. She thought after Tate helped her in the break-in that he would start coming around again yet she still hasn't seen him. Until today, she was just heading to the kitchen passing by Her fathers office when she heard the familiar voice. She immediately stops ducking behind the wall. Tate was sitting on the couch facing what she can only assume is her father. She had no idea her father was still seeing Tate, but this was perfect she would stop him on his way out and finally get to have a real conversation with him.

He hasn't been back to therapy since he went storming out of the room. Now that he has you back he doesn't see the point in still going but you convince (demanded) he go back. So here he is sitting on the very same couch the two of you 'reunited' on. The memory has him smiling. "What are you smiling about Tate?" The question pulls Tate from his daydream.

"Just thinking about my girlfriend", you're his girlfriend, he has to hold in the girlish giggle he wants to let out. He wonders what you're doing right now, are you thinking about him too? The word girlfriend has Ben clutching his notepad, he thought Tate and Violet were no longer friends. Now they're suddenly dating, he does his best to calm down asking Tate to elebrate. 

He's preparing himself for Tate to start talking about his daughter, if he says anything inappropriate he won't hesitate to throw him out.

Violet on the other hand is gripping the wall tightly, her fingers turning white. Her heart was breaking as she stared at Tate. She thought he liked her, how could he just get a girlfriend that wasn't her.

"Well me and my girlfriend just reunited after having not seen each other for a long time. Turns out my mother sent her away but that doesn't matter. We're back together now and I couldn't be more happy" Ben finds himself confused at Tates' words, Tates mother had nothing to do with him wanting Violet far away from Tate.

"Why do you think your mother was involved with keeping her away from you?"

"I saw her when she sent her away, she lied to me for years. I should have known better there's no way Y/n would leave me" You've been with him since the beginning, sticking by his side even when he was at the lowest point in his life.

"Y/n?" that was his girlfriend, not Violet but Y/n. You never mentioned that you and Tate were romantically involved when he talked to you.

"Yeah Y/n my girlfriend" The rest of the session was spent talking about you. Tate was always chatty in sessions but he only ever reveals what he wants to. This time when Tate talked about you he could see the range of emotion betrayed on his face. He took note of each face and what he was talking about when he made the face.

Violet had listened to Tates whole therapy session and she feels destroyed. The way he talked about Y/n telling her father how much he loved her, was devastating. It was not that long ago that he was spending all his time with her. They listened to music and told each other about every self-harm mark on their wrists. You don't do that without it meaning something.

"Tate, wait up!" She pulled him away from the office so the two of them could talk without her 

father seeing. "I've been wondering where you've been, you kind of just disappeared" she decided to not let Tate know that she listened to his session.

"You know your dad doesn't like us talking"

"Since when do you listen to other people", interestingly he implied the reason he's no longer spending time with her is because of her Dad and not his girlfriend. Maybe it's because he's not serious about her.

"I listen to some people," well only you really but even then he can be headstrong. "I've been making up for lost time with my girlfriend Y/n", oh Violets silent for a moment, contemplating what she should do next.

"That's no reason to stop coming over". It doesn't seem fair that you just swooped in and took 

him. If she and Tate just spend more time together he'll realize he made a mistake that the two of them are perfect for eachother. She just can't accept that her and Tate could connect on such a deep level and not be together.

"Yeah maybe I'll come by later" Tate didn't mind Violet, but he would much rather spend all of his time with you. While he left to find you Violet headed upstairs completely forgetting about her snack.

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