Bonus Chapter 11.1: Crippling Curiosity

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

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So without further ado, the chapter-

I adjusted my body closer and, with our hands still connected, I leaned in. His mouth almost enveloped mine in a fiery kiss.

Keyword being almost.

Before our lips could make contact, Aaron's finger did. He raised his index finger to my lips, stopping me in my movements.

"Please." He strained out, his voice laced with exhaustion.

My eyes snapped open at this and I stared at him, hoping he would offer me a reasonable explanation- But one never came.

I recoiled away from him, nodding numbly.

"Sorry." I mumbled. Tears formed in my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall. Aaron's eyes didn't meet mine as he spoke, his voice quiet.

"No. I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't mean to start anything. I'm sorry." He said, his eyes looking everywhere but at me.

I turned to Aaron who eyed our connected hands with a mixture of disgust and despair.

I waited. I don't know what for, but I didn't feel like moving right now. Aaron clenched and unclenched his jaw, eyeing our hands. His palm pressed against mine with a little force before he hesitantly parted his hand from mine, moving it back slowly to his side.

Aaron's POV from the lake when they nearly kiss.


It was a cold day, was Aaron's first thought as he walked across the pavement. He had just been at Mason's house for a small get together just 10 minutes prior and he cursed internally as another strong breeze blew. He thought briefly to his car right outside Mason's house and how he would have driven home had it not been for a drunk Danny accidentally pocketing his keys and taking it home when he caught a ride with Justin after vomiting.

His second thought pertained less to something but someone: a certain doe-eyed girl.

How could his thoughts not deviate to her when, in the midst of the dark night, her familiar scent suddenly hit him. He could only wonder for a miniscule of a second before he bumped into warmth before looking down.

And, there she was, in all her glory- Lexi.

When his eyes fixed on her, he couldn't seem to avert his gaze. It was all but easy to drown in her eyes and it seemed she couldn't look away either. Her mouth was slightly agape as though she was shocked to see her and he would quickly admit that he felt the same. It was odd to see Lexi out here, in the middle of nowhere, so far from home.

"What are you doing out so late?" He broke the silence and he realised he was slightly curious about her life outside school. Specifically when he looked around at the dark road.
"Alone?" He finished his sentence, feeling slightly relieved that Danny had taken his keys. The streets were dangerous after sunset and, although they weren't close, he worried for her wellbeing.

At his question, he noticed how Lexi let out a small stuttered sound. It was clear, even for him, that she was wracking her brain for an answer and he raised an eyebrow at this. Usually, he would commend himself for being able to read those around him. He had long since gotten used to the way people acted around him and, much to his chagrin, it had slowly sucked the life out of him. Each interaction and conversation had become an orchestrated show to display he was okay. He had thought he had predicted Lexi as well- an uptight, silent beauty who keeps to herself and values rules above all. Yet, now, when she looked around as though she had been caught doing something taboo, he couldn't help but wonder about the Lexi he didn't know; the side of her that she had so expertly hidden. She fidgeted under his stare as though she was uncomfortable with the questioned and it only made his curiosity deepen. He wanted to interrogate her then; to finally delve into something that didn't fall into his predictions, bit he knew it wasn't best to pry. He, of course, had secrets also that were best hidden.

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