Game On

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Hey, guys! Thanks to everyone who's been reading and voting so far! Also, to all of those giving their comments. It means so much!

I hope you guys like this.... I did!! Please vote! It'll mean the world! Love you guys!

S. A. A

"What are you doing out so late?" Aaron questioned, his eyes assessing me for a moment. He looked around, curiously at the dark and forlorn surroundings before redirecting his gaze to me.
"Alone?" He folded his arms, gazing at me curiously.

I stuttered slightly as I thought of how to answer and Aaron raised an eyebrow at my actions. He looked to me in a way in which told me he was curious, a feeling that was quite foreign to me, specifically from him, Often, when we interacted, Aaron had a look of knowing as though he could read every thought. Yet, now his look was starkly different to that. He looked at me as though he was looking through me and I fidgeted under his gaze, feeling like I was being assessed. 

There was no reason why it was so difficult to share with Aaron. I had gone out for the evening with someone I was fond of, just as Aaron had done many times during this deal, but I couldn't help it. I had given him my word I would help and, doing something that could potentially risk my promise, it was risky. It wasn't me and I didn't want that type of information to come to light.

I suddenly came out of my thoughts, remembering I was having a conversation with Aaron and I didn't answer his question.

I looked up to find him looking between his watch and me. He smirked slightly.
"You know it's been a total of 3 minutes and 52 seconds that you haven't answered" He queried, arching a dark eyebrow.

"Were you thinking of me?" He teased, raising an eyebrow and I let out a small scoff at his ego before processing his words and shaking my head. 

"Actually, I just came out for a walk because I wanted some fresh air." I lied, trying to make it sound believable. I was glad, at that moment, that my voice came out steady, but when Aaron's eyes narrowed ever so slightly, I knew that I had messed up somehow. It was silent for a moment as he looked to me, his sea eyes fixing me in place. At long last, he broke the deafening silence; his eyebrows slightly furrowed as he spoke.

"So you walked around 52 minutes away from your home?" He looked around for good measure before his gaze fell back on me.

I faltered slightly at his words, not realising how far I had gone to meet Elliot before smiling sheepishly.
"I needed a lot of fresh air?" I said, internally face-palming at my chosen excuse. It was by far the most pathetic lie I had come up with to date and I knew he would see right through it. 

It was silent after I spoke and Aaron looked to me again, an indecipherable look in his eyes and one that made me anxious. I squirmed as he looked at me but he paid no heed to this and I heated up under his stare. After what seemed like an eternity, he nodded, accepting my excuse, but I could tell right then, he didn't believe me. The silence stretched on even longer than and I rocked on my heels a bit before letting out an uncomfortable cough.

"So..." I drawled awkwardly to which he raised an eyebrow, awaiting my words and I heaved out a sigh, gesturing to over my shoulder with a hand.

"I should get going. I need to get home. I'll see you at school" I finally said and, with that, I walked down the street, not even awaiting his words. 

That was awkward.

The cold was thrashing and nipping at my ears, making me wince and- in turn- I pulled my hoodie up to engulf them in a semblance of warmth. Placing my hands back in my pockets, I trudded forward, eyeing the dimly lit streets. I only halted when a voice arose.

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