The Third Wheel

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Hey, guys! It's that time of the week again!

I hope you guys had a really nice week and I hope you were looking forward to the next chapter!

I've just seen what's in humour and I'm in #1. I wanna thank you guys for that. That is all down to you and I hope it stays like that! I love you guys so much.

I literally don't have much to say, so without further ado... the next chapter.


"Avalon?" Aaron's voice rung out and he moved away from me.


Stunned- that's all I could feel right now as I watched the scene play out right before me. The two 'lovers' stared at each other for what seemed like a millenia; no sounds were made. They were too engrossed in each other to move. I watched as Aaron slowly edged closer to her until they were only centimeters apart. A tear slid down Avalon's cheek as she looked at him and my stomach fell when he clenched his eyes shut tightly at this. It was clear that he didn't like seeing her in pain.

He didn't mind me being in pain right now.

I looked to the ground in sadness.It was clear who he loved and, now, it was definitely clear what his answer would have been- a no. He had only loved another this whole time and I was sat on the feeble hope that he had forgotten her. Seeing this encounter, I knew, that wasn't the case. I could tell that she was all that consumed his mind. I shook my head and turned to leave, but a voice spoke up, making me halt in my actions.

"Why are you here?" Aaron's voice echoed through the empty streets. His voice seemed cold and distant; I knew he was still scarred from what Avalon had done. He folded his arms and looked at her curiously. Answers were needed now.

Avalon wiped her tears before gazing at Aaron with adoration in her eyes.
"Aaron, I'm moving back here," Her voice was fragile as she spoke. She looked up at Aaron to see his expression and so did I.

Yet, this couldn't be achieved due to Aaron's back facing towards us.

I watched as he dug his hands into his pockets and let out a heavy sigh.
"I thought you were going to stay with your Dad in Scotland. Isn't that what we agreed?" Aaron's voice came out both professionally and harshly.

Wait? Agreed?

I gaped at his word; shocked at the fact that I was totally unaware of a settlement between the two heartbroken parties. I had been informed that she left out of humiliation, but was that not the case? Had she been told to move by, none other than, Aaron?

She tutted before moving to Aaron. My blood boiled as I watched her put a hand on his arm. Aaron responded by flinching but, nonetheless, he didn't make any plans to move her hand. He wanted it there.

"My Mum stays here, Aaron. You can't expect me to just stay with my Dad my whole life, can you? Plus, his girlfriend's moved in along with her 3 kids and it's a nightmare. I want to be back here!" She exclaimed, gesturing to the road around her. Tears were rolling off her cheeks in waves now. It was obvious she was upset.

But, even then- amidst all the heartache - I couldn't help but envy how beautiful she still looked. Her golden hair cascaded down to her shoulders in sweet curls and her green eyes glistened beautifully with the tears. She looked like something from a fairytale.

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