Bonus Chapter 11.3: Growing Insecurities

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

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So without further ado, the chapter-

I adjusted my body closer and, with our hands still connected, I leaned in. His mouth almost enveloped mine in a fiery kiss.

Keyword being almost.

Before our lips could make contact, Aaron's finger did. He raised his index finger to my lips, stopping me in my movements.

"Please." He strained out, his voice laced with exhaustion.

My eyes snapped open at this and I stared at him, hoping he would offer me a reasonable explanation- But one never came.

I recoiled away from him, nodding numbly.

"Sorry." I mumbled. Tears formed in my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall. Aaron's eyes didn't meet mine as he spoke, his voice quiet.

"No. I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't mean to start anything. I'm sorry." He said, his eyes looking everywhere but at me.

I turned to Aaron who eyed our connected hands with a mixture of disgust and despair.

I waited. I don't know what for, but I didn't feel like moving right now. Aaron clenched and unclenched his jaw, eyeing our hands. His palm pressed against mine with a little force before he hesitantly parted his hand from mine, moving it back slowly to his side.

Aaron's POV from the lake when they nearly kiss- Part 3


No, that was her vehement response to his request, every time he asked.

"Come on! I won't look while you undress." He reasoned, turning her around to face him; turning her around so he could understand her sharp reaction. She let out a sigh at this, not quite meeting his eyes and he wondered what had caused her sudden shift in mood. He didn't like it.

"It's not just that. I'll feel... uncomfortable." She hesitated as she spoke and he wanted to ask whether she meant she was uncomfortable with swimming or uncomfortable with him. Nevertheless, he didn't ask that, knowing the answer would probably be something that wasn't to his liking. Instead, he furrowed his brow, assessing her.

"Why?" Was all he questioned and she let out a huff, shaking her head. It was clear that this very conversation was also making her uncomfortable.

"You won't understand." She finalised, walking away from him his curiosity only deepened as he walked after her.

"Understand what?" He called out and let out another huff when she felt him near, making him dampen.

"Nothing." She answered sternly, walking faster and he let out a sigh, continuing after her. After all, she didn't even know where she was, where would she go?

"Why do all girls say 'nothing'? It's obviously something." He groaned in earnest. He had met his fair share of girls to know this was true; even one of his best friends- Venni- would fall victim to such a dialogue.

He walked faster then when she said norhing, grabbing her arm to stop her.
"What is it?"

She didn't fight against him at this and he stilled at the downcast look on her face. He had never seen her upset like this and it wasn't something he'd say he was fond of.

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