Bonus Chapter 21.2: His To Hold

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

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I was supposed to write why Justin and Savannah broke up, but I was unable to but have written this one instead.

So without further ado, the chapter-

The door opened with a loud thud and everyone's eyes were on the door. Obviously, that's what always happens when Aaron was at the door. The attention always seemed to be on him. He walked in slowly, his eyes on me.

I smiled, putting the 'fake girlfriend' facade up.
"Hey, where were-"

I was cut off by Aaron dropping to his knees. Well, one knee to be exact.

He was kneeling, his beautiful eyes staring up at me as he bit his lip. A small case was in his hand.

I would have found that to be a jaw-dropping sight if I wasn't wholly concentrated on my anxiety.

What was going on?

Aaron's POV when he gave Lexi a promise ring- Part 2


He knew he was going to get flack for this afterwards, but right now his temptations were controlling him. All he could think of right now was bringing her into his embrace and wiping that smug smile off her face in the only way he knew how.

"Kiss me." He ordered.

His lips involuntarily tugged up when her body tensed notably, a look of shock in her eyes. It only lasted for a moment before the typical fire was back in her gaze.

"This was not part of the plan!" She whisper-shouted so that only he could hear and he smiled. At one point, he had found her need to keep to plans to be irksome but, now, he found he had become fond of them.

Too fond.

He kept her hand in his, so she wouldn't move away, a smirk making its way to his face.

"Yeah, it wasn't. But, I did say I was going to get you back." He said, his smirk widening, watching her glare. He was glad that he could come up with a quick excuse but, truth be told, he just wanted her in his embrace. He didn't know why he wanted it; nor would he think too much into it. He knew that it would only lead to a spiral and him having to confront more than he was ready for. So, he chalked his feelings down to a mere 'curiosity'. That was it, he was curious about Lexi because she was unlike any else he had ever encountered.

He chalked it to that and focused back on the matter at hand: Lsxi glaring at him with the intensity of a thousand suns. He could tell she felt anger and it made him smile that he could affect her in some way or another. The niggling thought in the back of his head made him notice how angered she got to the thought of kissing him and it made him want to kiss her more. She was the unattainable; the untouchable and he wanted her all the more for that reason.

"You don't have to do it, Lexi. I mean, frankly, I know that you don't have the courage." He said, looking up to the ceiling and sighing deeply, a faint smile etched onto his lips. He said the words that he knew would get to her. In the little time that he had come to know her, he had realised one thing: she was as every bit as prideful and as competitive as him. With those two combined, he knew she'd take his words to heart and, that, she did.

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