Bonus Chapter 19.2: Pickles and Popcorn

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

Let me know what bonus chapters you'd like to see in the comments.

So without further ado, the chapter-

We withdrew then as he stroked a hand against my hair. I could only lean into him as he sat beside me now on the bed.

"So I heard you went to pick Raven up? How did that go?" I made the small talk and he nodded, pulling the blanket further onto me.

"It went fine." He said not surprising me with his clipped answers, but the following thing did. It was only for a second yet I noticed the change, making my eyes widen.

Justin had just smiled.

Justin's POV when picking Raven up


Think, it was all he could do, recalling a mere few minutes ago in the car.

"Of course you don't understand. I look in those stunning grey eyes of yours everyday and you wanna know what I see?" She murmured coarsely and he didn't respond, only looked to her with that very gaze she was describing. She pursed her lips for a moment before speaking again.

"In those eyes, I see nothing: no emotion, no want and definitely no fight. It's true when you said you would act no different for anyone because there's nothing else you can give."

At that moment, he could not understand what he had done to warrant such upset. The look on Raven's face had been one of anguish and it frustrated him to think he may be the cause, for reasons he couldn't even figure out.

Yet now, when he looked to her perusing through the shop shelves, it had felt as though that raw moment hadn't existed at all; like it had been a figment of his imagination. But, he wasn't one to manage such things; she had been upset.

"Raven." He called out, moving to her, basket in hand.

"Sweet or salted?" She responded, turning around with two popcorn packets in her hand and a nonchalant smile on her face. He shook his head at this, raising an eyebrow.

"I want to talk about what happened in the car." He answered bluntly, making her tense, her lips pursing into a thin line. He wasn't one to forgo an issue; it would only cause it to grow.

"There's nothing to talk about, so just leave it. We're good." She muttered with a huff, turning away from him and he let out a sigh, relenting for the time being.

"Sweet." He answered and she grimaced, her nose scrunching up as she threw it in the basket.

"Why did I even ask Mr. Sweet Tooth?" She teased and his lips quirked up slightly at her words as they waded through the aisle. Still, his grey eyes remained blank as he glanced at the shelves.

"Fine, add Nutella and pickles to the basket then." He spoke in a serious tone, despite the joking words, recalling her odd eating habits: pickles and Nutella was a snack she had brought when they had gone on a camping trip together. At his words, she turned to look at him, her eyebrows furrowed softly. He merely watched her blankly, icy gaze intrusive as a small wave of silence passed. He would have questioned her on it them had it not been for her turning away, scoffing as she reached for some sour sweets on the high shelf.

"I'll focus on grabbing the snacks; you should focus more on the leering eyes." She teased, smirking at him with a side glance. He followed where her gaze flitted in confusion, turning to see a brunette looking to him as she pushed her shopping trolley. She smiled as his gaze met hers, but he didn't return it, merely turning back to Raven with a blank look.

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