Bonus Chapter 18: Raining Reliance

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

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So without further ado, the chapter-

I sighed heavily. I couldn't stand to see him like this.
"There was nothing you could do, Aaron. Sometimes bad things happen that we can't control." I said, rubbing his back. Aaron could blame himself for years to come, but the honest truth was that nothing he could do would have changed anything and he needed to know this.

Aaron sighed heavily just as I had done a second ago. His eyes became glassy again and I regretted saying what I had because it seemed to create a new storm of sadness in him. He ran a hand through his hair.

"Last night, she told me her stomach was paining and I told her that I'd take her to the doctors tomorrow. If only I had taken her as soon as she had said that then maybe she'd still be here. Maybe I wouldn't have lost her." Aaron shut his eyes tightly, his voice burning with regret.

I pulled Aaron's face to mine, so that I could look him in the eyes.
"Don't blame this on yourself, Aaron. It wasn't your fault." My voice was stern as I said this.

Aaron's hair was matted onto his forehead now from the rain and the droplets rolled down his face as I looked into his eyes.

The eyes that I would always find myself getting lost in.

Aaron's POV after his mother dies and Lexi visits him.


Each second felt like hours and each hour like an eternity.

He didn't know how long he had been sat there on the pavement, seeing the odd car pass, but he couldn't find himself to care anymore. Not when the entire reason for his existence was gone.

His mother was gone.

She was gone and it was taking everything for him not to keep still for fear his misery would turn him violent. It wasn't like he didn't expect it; she had told him she had little time and, yet still, the shock wracked his body.

What he didn't know was how quick and casual it would be; how time would continue turning and his neighbours would continue on their mundane tasks of going to work or watering their plants. He hadn't realised that her death would be so normal; so small in the grand span of everything. It made him think to how fickle life would be. One moment, you're here and the next you're gone. It only took a moment.

It had felt the same with his mother. He had seen her one moment, looking very much alive and- in the next moment- she was...

He couldn't bear to think of it again, so he pushed the thought out, sitting numbly as he watched the road in front of him. He could faintly notice the sound of familiar footsteps, but he didn't have the energy nor the purpose to look up.

It was Lexi.

He felt it as she crouched down into a sitting position near him and his armed clenched around his knees. He thought for a moment not to tell her anything. He didn't quite have the strength to speak of the events, but he couldn't fight his words as he spoke. He needed her at this moment.

"She's gone."

Was all he could muster out for a second and he hoped she'd understand. From the sound of her shaky gasp, he knew she had.

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