Chapter 5

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Caroline's POV:

This bed was warm. Both it and the arms around me were incredibly inviting, and the body I was pressed up against and holding to took that all even further.

I could feel the complete peace that was rather foreign in the way it reacted to him. To the strong yet gentle arms.

One I was resting my head on, whereas the other draped over the curve of my waist.

My eyes lifted and head turned up to look at him; at the tranquility written all over his sleeping features as well.

A small smile pulled onto my face, recalling the events of the previous night.

That was fun... all of it was.

I was glad that I didn't push him away at first, but now I had to get out of here before the thought of just staying in this bed with him became any more tempting.

I came here with plans, and I'd already strayed from them a little too much by letting a man take me to bed.

My day in the city needed to start soon if I was to accomplish everything I wanted to, and I needed extra time to account for the fact that I didn't know my way around very well.

After the night we had, I knew it'd be best to get out as soon as possible. Being in his hands like that had apparently softened up my instincts, and I needed to get them back together before they yearn for that again.

I couldn't do that. Not right now.

Not knowing what I'd be going home to tonight...

Luckily for me, I knew my way around stealth, even amongst vampires. It's how I got here in the first place after all.

Move upwards while they inhale, and downwards when they exhale.

With enough of that and a handful of patience, I'd wriggled my way from his form, and thanked the fact that I fell asleep on the side of the bed that wasn't pressed against a wall.

I lifted myself with a silent sigh, stretching out the muscles in my arms and legs while I started to formulate a plan.

I didn't want the only clothes I brought to smell of sex.

It was good sex- great sex, but not good enough for me to be willing to parade around town and return home with the smell of it all over me.

This room was a bedroom and only a bedroom. No bathroom to be seen in here.

I think I remember catching sight of a washroom on my way in here. Just down the hall.

If I speed there it shouldn't be an issue... Not an ideal plan, but I was going to have to work with what I had.

I carefully gathered my things, found my jacket on the other side of the room as opposed to everything else, and flipped through some of his clothes to find my bra.

Keeping my clothes held in such a way to keep the lingering smell of was... Interesting to say the least.

I felt myself pause, what was supposed to be a quick glance turned more into a stare at the still deeply sleeping man.

My muscles refused to budge for a few moments, forcing me to dwell on what was in front of me.

It felt strange just... leaving him without a word.

I felt like he deserved something given how much I appreciated all he'd done.

But I couldn't be here when he woke up. I just couldn't.

My eyes drifted and fell onto the nightstand, and an idea grew from there.

I carefully opened it, spotting a pad of paper and a fountain pen amongst a few other miscellaneous items.

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