Chapter 21

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Caroline's POV:

This was all so much. So much at once.

Vast changes in every aspect of my life hit me at once.

It should feel overwhelming. It should all feel like too much, but it didn't.

Instead with each new discovery or introduction to these people I could feel more and more of a long-overgrown weight being lifted from my shoulders.

It was a feeling I would seek out a crumb of on the nights I was able to sneak away from the clan and into this city for.

And now it was just... here. In every corner, in everything I touched and in everyone I'd spoken to thus far.

Half of the time I forgot that I was currently being housed on a royal floor, and currently walking into the room of the Prince.

Oddly, the knowledge of him being a prince came as an afterthought. Such proved the importance of a first impression given that his was what I originally identified him by.

I took a moment to look around at his room.

It was nearly a mirror of the one that I was staying in. As far as the placement of doors and the placement of the bed.

The rest, of course, was more personalized. All mostly dark wood or leather accented with gold trims and knobs.

Fitting I suppose.

It was rather clean too, and smelled of him all over.

It eased finally that part of my instinct that was displeased by the quiet, by the absence of anyone or anything.

Or just... him.

It was strange.

I knew myself and my instincts had gotten unruly and attached themselves to him in a way I thought I was better than. It was just so much harder to focus on and face when I was back there.

Now that he's here, and after all he's done for me to get me here and keep me here, it was like he didn't want to hold back in the slightest.

Though of course, I couldn't do such things in front of his parents... or with them so close by as Lady Vivvian was back at the clan.

"Please, make yourself at home," he said, tugging my attention back to him.

"So formal," I commented, poking fun at the slight bow he gave as he spoke

He gave a slight laugh and fiddled with his hair, "Force of habit."

He was nervous. If it wasn't his tone that gave him away, it was his intensely stiff posture.

"First time having a girl in your room, Prince?" I continued to press with a smirk.

"Admittedly... yes." Was his sheepish answer.

"You are aware that you are a prince, right? Is it normal for them to be this nervous in their own domain?" I stepped closer myself, leaving nearly a foot between us.

"You've brought me to my knees once, Caroline, and I know you're capable of doing it again. The circumstances have just become more personal in a way I'm not used to and a little scared to mess up."

My eyes rounded at his honesty, letting the blood heat my cheeks without shying away.

"Have some faith," I whispered, letting my fingers trace the skin of his forearm that lead into his pocket, "It's just me after all."

He released a short breath at the touch, turning to look down at me fully with those beautiful soft green eyes.

"You know damn well how I feel about you," His words were quiet and almost wistful, "And It's all new and intense and constantly biting at me. It has been ever since you left, but now that you're here- Now that you're in my room there's just... so much I need to keep in check."

Keep in check? So not only was he nervous, he was nervous because he was holding back.

Well, that's no good for a regular vampire let alone a prince.

"Those feelings are reciprocated, Daniel. I know that you can sense that much, so why the restraint?"

There was a pause, a shift in his eyes, and a short sigh.

"Because I come with a lot of responsibility... and you just came from-"

"Then let's not worry about that for now." I stepped fully in front of him, with both of my hands now on both of his upper arms, "One thing at a time Daniel. I appreciate your concern for the weight of all of this and of you but that's not something we have to face right away, right?"

He blinked, thinking over what I'd said.

My instincts had chosen him... and I knew what that kind of future for me looked like.

Had it not all felt so right up to this point, the image of that may have frightened me enough to take a step back and rethink the bond that formed to easily that night.

But it didn't, and I knew there was nothing that needed rushing and there was nothing that couldn't be dwelled on first. Talked over, explored, all of that.

Even then, that wasn't my main focus right now.

"You're right," He agreed, pulling his hands from his pockets.

He began to reach for me, but stopped.

"May I?" He breathed in such a way that had the pure want dripping from the chivalrous question.

My purr nearly broke out right there and then, my heartbeat skyrocketing in its stead.

"I really wish that you would," I admitted, my own disposition cracking for only a second under my own personal desires.

The drive, that need, the warmth of his skin compared to mine.

The safety in his arms being something I didn't know that I desired. Something like that was never really needed, but for now, I clung to it.

That soft smile on his while he pulled me in by my waist up against his torso, hinted at the further confidence and deviousness I'd seen before and very much wanted to see again.

This time, though, he was gentle and careful with the way he tucked my hair behind my ear.

Something about it prompted me to set a hand on his cheek, both of us then leaning in until our lips were sealed over one another.

Like a shock of electricity, something in me snapped, releasing havoc of intense, ecstatic emotions all at once.

A solidification within me that this was right. What I'd agreed to was the best thing for me, and the man in front of me wasn't going to ruin any of that.

I'd left behind where I'd started, and it was here that I'd find and build my new beginning.

Whatever that was. Whatever bigger things may be.

I didn't care what it was, but I was excited for it nonetheless. A future that finally felt bright, and a family that was more than happy to help me reach it.

His purr harmonized beautifully with mine, and the feeling of it was a sensation I knew I would quickly become quite fond of

Which was why for now, I was more than happy just being here with this man who allowed me the first step in all of this.

I grabbed tight to the center of his shirt, and pulled him closer, deeper into this kiss.

His fingers dug a little harder into my back, mirroring that deeper desire I know damn well we were both feeling and should stop dancing around before one of us explodes.

He was going to have to be the one to make the first move though. I knew he had it in him, I just had to get it out.

This journey between us, I knew, was going to be one of the best I'd have in my entire life, and even though it had just truly begun, I couldn't wait to see what was in store for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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