Chapter 19

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Daniel's POV:

Caroline was silent throughout the trip home sitting at my side, eyes full of nothing but distant thought as soon as the horses began pulling us our way home.

My mother could thankfully read a room and kept to simple, hushed conversation between her and I when needed.

However, I took this time to think about what I would need to do once I returned with her to make sure she feels welcome and taken care of.

She was staying on my floor, obviously, and would most likely appreciate the second bedroom that was built there just in case.

But that was all the way across the floor...

As if I can't speed run there within seconds... what am I getting all uppity about?

Dad was going to have to hear about this and was Zeke the next time I see him.

I stewed on that a little longer, the clicking of hooves on cobblestone making for perfect background noise.

The subconscious squeeze of her hand on mine pulled me momentarily from my thoughts, before seeing that her prior position hadn't changed.

I wondered what she was thinking, but knew that right now wasn't the time to ask.

This was a big change for her... New life, new living arrangements, new people, new possibilities, new freedoms.

I eyed where our hands stayed interlocked.

She needed time to acclimate, so perhaps putting my pursuit for her on pause for a little bit was the best direction to-

Her hand squeezed tighter, and a soft gasp passed through her lips.

I rose my head to see what she'd caught in her view but got stopped hallways once her newly acquired smile caught my eyes.

In her eyes reflected a shine that reminded me of the first night that we met, staring down at the Vanderwood castle now that it was in view, and the countless residences and shops surrounding it.

The look eased me, and while my mother pretended not to notice and kept her gaze out the same window, it showed in the corner of her lips.

The closer we got, the more Caroline looked to liven up, and it was only a matter of minutes from there until she started pointing our places and asking questions.

If I didn't have an answer, then my mother pipped up and saved the day for me.

The warmth from just seeing that smile again, knowing/ hoping that it would be going away any time soon for any new reason... I nearly began to purr.

Not like this though, not in front of my mother who would never let me live it down.

Now that I think about it, neither of them would.

We made it home without a hitch, Caroline sticking close to me as we exited the carriage.

"There are a few things you need to do before you get settled, Daniel," My mother piped up from where she walked ahead of us, "I'll notify Elijah of what's happened while you get Caroline comfortable, then I need you to join us to tie up some loose ends in terms of documenting these for the Vanderwood records."

I just nodded, expecting as much, "Of course."

"Good. Then I'll see you there," She turned to Caroline, "And I'll see you at dinner."

I felt her hand tighten, but she nodded with a smile regardless.

My mother disappeared within the next second, leaving us by ourselves, and leaving me to take it upon myself to take the long, scenic route through the castle before reaching the lift that reached my- our floor.

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