Chapter 12

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Daniel's POV:

My attention had been incredibly compromised, and I couldn't shift it no matter what I tried to do.

Every three steps I was looking over my shoulder, checking my senses, sniffing the air for a trace of her in the air again.

I couldn't focus on the slightest on the two in front of us, giving a mini-tour while they lead us to where we'd be staying.

I just hoped my mother was paying attention and would be willing to fill me in later... and I hope she won't be too upset.

Focus was never something I struggled with. It was something I just had to grow accustomed to as a prince, so for it to waver and struggle now...

Was this really going to be my downfall as a Prince? This woman?

This woman that's consumed my very being since I laid eyes on her...

Where was she!?

A nudge from my mother's elbow was enough to snap my head back into the game, seeing the cabin we'd apparently approached.

"Here's where you'll be staying for the duration of your stay," Elenora began, "We hope it suits you, and if you need anything at all, please feel free to ask

"We will," My mother took up, probably knowing that I wasn't going to, "Thank you. We'll come find one of you once we're all settled."

"We'll be nearby," Augustus concluded with another bow of his head, opening the front door for us to enter before leaving us with just the coachman and our bags that were promptly dropped off.

It was quaint but honestly more than I was expecting.

Mom and I had separate rooms, both with outdoor access, a large bed, a small living area, and an extended bathroom.

I was sluggish unpacking my bag and trying to recollect myself, and it was only a matter of time before Mom stepped back into my room.

"Care to tell me what's wrong with you?" Mother asked, crossing her arms and leaning his hip into the door frame, "I know this place is strange, but I feel like you've been to worse summits."

I averted my gaze, feeling my cheeks begin to warm underneath the embarrassment.

She already knew, the already knew enough.

"I think-," No, I didn't think I knew, "I found her."

"Found her?" She questioned briefly, her face then flashing to baffled but excited realization, "You found her? Here?"

I could only nod, swallowing hard.

"I saw her once... She saw me and then disappeared. I haven't seen her since."

"She recognized you? And now knows your her prince."

Another nod.

"And she ran," My words came out with an ache.

"Do you blame her though? You meet someone and have a blast with them only to find out that they're off of the most influential figures in the territory. That's gotta come as a shock."

"I know but...," It still hurt. It still sent my instinct into a frenzy. I had to do something to save them, but this situation was just all off.

"I don't know what to do. I'm supposed to be here on business. To plan for this territories future and I can't force myself to focus on this knowing that she's here too. I just... can't. Not until I can find and talk to her."

She stayed quiet for a moment, the look on her face not being the one I was expecting.

A thoughtful understanding, her thumb rubbing over her bottom lip as she always did when she wasn't masking her thought process.

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