3. Game of Deals

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Death sighed with irritation. Out of all demons, it was always the seven deadly sins demons who made most of the problems. Not to mention that more than a year ago they created a worldwide catastrophe that almost made him questioning his career choices.

Somehow, Death was always around and needed.

"I suppose that you're here because of the thing you don't know, and before you even ask me this question, I'll tell you I probably don't know it either."

Greed laughed, since Death's own problems started along with this Percy girl surviving four years ago.

"Does she even know that basically you two struck a deal? It's not my question, by the way. I'm just curious. Death doesn't usually change its mind about who to take and who should get more time."

No, Death didn't usually go against the rules. Unless there was something in it for him, or if it was for a greater good. It would be hard to count how many people or entities owed him a favor. Besides, he knew when there was still an unfinished business that needed to be resolved. He knew much more than he ever showed or told.

"She might not be certain of it, but the words were spoken. She owes me, and one day I'll collect that favor."

Greed was now even more amused than earlier.

"You must hurry then. She doesn't have much longer."

Greed knew Percy was about to die, but she wasn't sure when. It could be in a day, two days, but probably no longer than a week. If she had a chance to read her weekly plans, Greed was sure she would correctly show the event that will occur in her death.

"Are you sure?" asked Death unemotionally. He always seemed to her way too calm.

Greed narrowed her green eyes, but the answer was obvious.

"Yes. You can't bring her back to life as an exception because she won't be the only one to die in whatever sick event is about to happen. You can make one exception, but you're too rightful to let anyone else live. And if you had this crazy idea to give her yet another chance, she'll haunt you for the rest of her life and afterlife, because you let all her other friends die. Dead or alive, she'd be a real pain in the ass. And as you, I wouldn't like to have a problem with a girl who single-handedly killed three demons in one fight."

Death looked at his timekeeper, otherwise called watch by humans. He didn't have time for Greed's games. In twelve minutes, there was to be an accident on the main street, and the poor banker wasn't about to make it out alive.

"Let's make one thing clear, for me, no person is a problem, since I can just snap them with my fingers out of existence. You don't have that power, so I imagine that in a similar situation, the girl could indeed be a problem for you."

"She will be a problem," pressed Greed, letting him silently know that she's aware of all the other things that happened in Percy's Spring life. She was no longer a usual girl, who could be snapped out of existence. "But there is a solution. The Game."

"So that's what this meeting is about?" Death shortly laughed. "No."


"No. Go back to Hell. As I recall, you're not even allowed to be on Earth."

She clenched her fists and counted time in her head. She didn't have much of it left, before somebody would notice her being gone.

"You're right, I'm not allowed, so you will listen me up."

Death tried to recall the last time The Game was played. It was a long, long time ago. Centuries ago. Ended up with a psychopath being the winner. And even a longer time ago, it used to be something like a show for the demons, where they could bet on their favorite player. Pathetic times.

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