53. Game of Triangle

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After walking through the door, Millie suddenly found herself in a completely different place than where she expected to be. She was in a small room, together with Trevor, Kyle and Mark. After a moment, a familiar voice rang out, explaining the rules of the game to them.

Judging by the missing people, it wasn't hard to guess who was the hostage and who was supposed to rescue them.

Millie assessed her team, and from the she-Trevor-Kyle connection alone, it was certain that this game would bring plenty of problems and maybe even arguments.

"We found ourselves in an action game? And we're going to shoot at the creations of the game. Awesome." Kyle approached a large shelf on which were posted a multitude of weapons from which they could choose.

Normally she would have been quite satisfied with such an interesting level, but on the other hand she felt that this time it was even more difficult than ever before. This feeling was aided by the clock that counted down their remaining time to save the other players.

She was the only one who had someone she wanted to save. Percy. She feared that the others - especially Kyle and Mark - would ultimately prefer to save themselves and move on to the next stage of the game, rather than try to save those who were being held hostage.

"You know they'll probably shoot at us, too?" asked Millie, looking at the equipment they had to use.

Although it looked like they actually had a lot to choose from, Millie was not so positive. After all, what was different about shooting in a computer game from shooting in real life. Millie wasn't sure she even knew how to properly handle weapons other than a pistol, and here they had a choice of rifles, shotguns, knives, everything she normally saw in games when she bought something from the game's store.

"All the more fun," laughed Kyle, who apparently hadn't considered the possibility that something bad could happen to him, too. Millie wished she had as much confidence as he did.

"Kyle feels privileged because he thinks his magic object from the beginning of the game is a bulletproof vest," explained Trevor, who listened to this while they waited for everyone to finish level three.

"It's obvious that's what it is," he declared, knocking himself on the torso. "By the way, Millie, you should know that Veronica didn't survive the previous level."

"What?" Her eyes grew twice as big.

"Blake and her were attacked by some murderous animal. He was the only one who survived." Kyle shrugged his shoulders. He didn't feel sorry for Veronica. He was even glad when he learned of her death.

Millie, on the other hand, was unsure of her feelings. She hated Veronica with all her heart for all the harm she had done to her, which didn't mean she really wanted her to die. Justice should have reached her in the real world, behind bars. Besides, death in the game wasn't death. It was annihilation. A fate far worse than death.

"You should discover what your magic item is for," Mark declared, changing the subject.

Millie rolled her eyes.

"Why, does everyone already know theirs?"

The boys looked at each other. The answer was clear.

"Mark and I found out at the previous level. My notebook is used to ask questions. I don't know how many are allowed, in the previous round he answered one. I ask a question and the answer appears written in the notebook," Trevor explained, waving his magic item from the beginning of the game.

"And my pen is used to paint objects that come to life this way. It's a bit scary because you have to paint the object with blood, but it's possible in any space," explained Mark, who looked at his gift from the beginning of the game with interest before tucking it into one of the many pockets they had in their new outfits, typically for fighting.

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