24. Game of Race

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"You had to face FEAR?" Millie was more than terrified when she heard Percy's story about what they had gone through. Percy didn't share all the details though, because for now, everybody was listening, and some things weren't meant for the ears of all the players.

She surely wasn't going to say that as one of her fears she saw Mint, who right now seemed to quietly judge everybody as if they were a pack of halfwits. 

I wonder what her fears are, Percy thought. 

"Honestly, I think that ghost match sounds as bad as roaming horror corridors," she ended her story. 

Blake, who finally could stand closer to Percy as Millie went back to her boyfriend, laughed, "Oh no, I'd rather play a game with ghosts than find myself in a life-action horror movie."

"You kind of were on one tho. Don't you wonder what those ghosts would've done if you didn't win?"

"Don't want to think about it. We won."

"It wasn't easy tho!" Mark dared to say. "We had to have a perfect strategy. Those ghostly guys and girls were like pros."

Angelica came closer to them and interrupted, "and you said that you gained two gemstones?"

"Yes. Emerald and Opal." Percy took the gems out of her empty backpack. It was of no help throughout the whole theater and basement.

"Great. And we have Ruby. We already put it in the doors. There's a place for six gems."

Percy gave her the gems she has received, since it was clear Angelica really wanted to do the honors of putting the two of them in the doors. With each gem, the door began to glow a particular color. It was a beautiful, but quick light color show. Clearly, they were still missing three of them. Three more places. And Percy already had enough of this first level. She didn't need sleep, but she wouldn't mind some moment of relaxation.

"There are three places we need to visit to find the missing gems," Blake spoke out, taking the position of the leader for now. "Swimming Pool. Lab. Girl's Bathroom. I vote we split up and cover all three now."

"I can go to the lab, but I'll need help," stated Mark. It was certain that this was the place he would choose. It simply suited him. He looked like someone who would rock the lab classes.

"We can accompany you," proposed Millie, after consulting something with Trevor. Percy was sure he didn't want to go to the girl's bathroom and Millie didn't like swimming so much, so the lab was the only option for the two of them.

"Great!" Mark seemed happy that it was them to join him.

Millie looked pleadingly at Percy, but she slowly shook her head. Lab was not the place she wanted to visit.

"I'm good at swimming," said Percy, not particularly to Millie, but to all the players.

"Then I'll go too," Blake volunteered for the task without hesitation. He was not leaving Percy alone again. Especially not with the Ryder guy.

"Swimming? I'm even better," boasted Kyle, while looking at Percy as if he was throwing her a challenge of who's better.

"Works for me too," added Ryder, who seemed truly bored, even though he and Percy just survived a nightmare. Literally.

Mint came to Veronica and Angelica, and from the look in her eyes, Ryder knew something was about to happen. Something really bad. Whatever she planned, it was always bad.

"Girls, it seems we are left with the bathroom."

Percy had no idea what kind of task could've been hidden in the girl's bathroom, but with Death everything was possible. And with world-wide stories and jokes about girls going to the bathroom in groups there was more content to create in a game than one could imagine.

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