17. Game of Spectacle

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"New outfits?" Ryder and Mint joined the rest of the group in the big theater auditorium. In the center there was a spacious scene with an entrance behind a big red curtain, guarded by some kind of paranormal entity dressed in a red robe.

"Looks better than the only black outfits we got for the level," said Percy, who got herself a nice baseball jersey. Millie changed back in pink, choosing something even more comfortable than the level-starter outfit.

"I like black." Trevor shrugged. He was still wearing the same clothes. "Since we didn't find anything in the dressing room, and you came back empty-handed as well, it must mean that the gem is behind that red curtain."

"Can we just go there? What about this guy who's guarding it?" Millie wasn't keen on having any contact with whatever this thing was. With a long red robe, he looked like part of a supernatural cult.

"What a bore, grow up, kids." Mint walked right through the middle of the auditorium, coming up to the guy in the robe without a hesitation. She waved her hand in front of his face, but the guy didn't move or say anything. "Are you coming or not?"

"What I'm more scared of is that the theater room didn't have any rules written down. Or at least any that we would find," whispered Percy, but she went on the stage as well. Soon, others joined.

"Are we just gonna walk through there?" Trevor looked as if he preferred to stay behind.

"Yes, kiddo, so let's go." Mint pulled aside the red curtain and stepped into the black, shimmering hole. The guard didn't say anything, so others felt safe enough to follow her into the unknown.

The scenery on the other side changed completely. While in the theater room there was nobody to accompany them, this place was filled with people, or at least something that was supposed to make them think that those were people.

"Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me," hissed Mint.

It looked as if they entered the play about Greek mythology. They found themselves in a large circular room with golden columns and elevations. There was a place to dance in the center, but nobody was standing there. All the people-like entities, which were wearing white chitons and himations, were sitting on the stairs around and feasting. The food was everywhere, served by waiters that had nothing on them, nothing except for shining golden spray that completely covered their bodies. They also served some kind of red fluid that those people-like things were drinking.

At the front stage there were two thrones that were taken by figures completely covered in red and black robes. Whoever that was, surely was in charge.

"Where are we? What is this place?" asked Trevor, who never was good at literature and history.

"Mythology, dumb gamer. It's Greek's mythology. And we're at the Gods' feast." Mint was clearly not amused, although the scenery looked awesome. "Way to go, Death. Very funny!" she screamed up above, knowing her words will be heard.

"What's her deal?" whispered Trevor to Percy. It seemed that Mint was making all of them quite irritated.

"I don't know," muttered Percy. She had a good knowledge about mythology and was a big fan of it, actually. She might've had an idea what Mint was mad about. It somehow felt personal also for her. Being thrown into a world coming out from her favorite stories she read as a child.

"What are we supposed to do here?" Millie was full of astonishment for the party, but at the same time it scared her.

"And what do we have on?" Only now the players noticed that they were too dressed in white mythological clothes, which somehow were comfortable.

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