40. Game of Assassination

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It was getting darker and darker in front of Percy's eyes as the pressure on her neck increased. Someone started shouting, and someone rushed at them, pushing the attacker away from Percy. She fell to her knees, but even though no one was holding her anymore, the grip did not loosen. She tried to free herself from the chain that was binding her neck but couldn't even move it. Like a magic trap, it wrapped itself around tighter and tighter, suffocating Percy and slowly driving her to the limit.

"Angelica, stop!" yelled Millie, who caught Percy as she fell on her knees.

Percy turned, seeing that Blake was holding Angelica down, but even so, the grip on her neck did not diminish. It was even getting stronger, as if she was able to control the chain with her willpower alone.

"Angelica, you're going to kill her!" Trevor started shaking her, but nothing worked.

"That's the point. It's either her or me."

Mark and Millie ran to Percy, trying to forcefully free her from the chain, but they, too, were unable to do anything.

"Percy, I don't know what to do, I don't know how to help you," Millie squealed desperately, trying harder and harder to free her friend from the squeeze.

Percy was unable to answer her. Her head pulsed mercilessly with pain. The chain wrapped tighter, and she could almost feel it crushing her windpipe. She could no longer understand what the others were shouting to each other, or even what they were doing. The image blurred before her eyes, and the air escaped from her lungs. She wondered, why did this always happen to her?

She slipped back against the boundaries, and another unseen memory appeared in her mind.

"What's new today?"

"About one thousand deaths and it's still counting."

"I asked about new, not common."

Just as suddenly as the attempt on Percy's life had begun, in an instant the chain fell from her neck, and she was able to breathe again. She greedily began to catch air, clutching at her sore throat. Millie hugged her tightly, crying beside her. No one spoke again. The screaming stopped, and tension settled in the room. There were still dark circles in front of Percy's eyes, so she didn't realize what had caused such an atmosphere. Only when she turned toward Angelica did she see her inert body on the floor, in a widening pool of blood. Above her stood Kyle with a bloody dagger that belonged to Blake.

"You killed her," Veronica said with her mouth wide open.

"You can't kill someone who's already dead," countered Kyle.

Angelica's body began to dematerialize, even dissolving into dust in the air, which immediately disappeared. The same thing began to happen to the chain that had previously bound Percy's neck. She thought it must have been her necklace earlier because the players' "gifts" disappeared with their deaths. Or rather, their cease to existence. She wondered how Angelica had discovered the secret ability of her necklace.

All that was left of Angelica's body on the floor was a single piece of paper she had drawn at the beginning of this level. Kyle leaned over and took it in her hand.

"Kill someone in this room, before the end of this level. Do so, and you'll be granted five million dollars after The Game ends."

"Now we know why she tried to kill Percy," Mark quietly said.

"No, we don't. There are nine of us here. I don't understand why it's Percy who had it worst in everything so far," Millie said through tears.

"Can I have my property back?" Blake pointed to the dagger Kyle still held.

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