12. Game of Wisdom

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Everything about the school seemed normal, until they got to the library, which looked as if it was taken from some magical world, since normal rooms did not have so much space. Percy turned around, noticing endless collections of books and shelves – also made from books and papers - reaching up and on each side. Rather, the library was like a tunnel without exit, in which it was easy to get lost and never find a way back.

If it wasn't for its terrifying intricate corridors made of books, Percy would've loved it. It could be like a paradise for book lovers. Spending an eternity here surely would be more than interesting. Then again, it was all an illusion. Alluring place that could trap a person forever.

"Now what?" Angelica leaned her back against one of the shelves from books. Here everything was made of them, even chairs, tables, and lamps.

"That." For the first time Mint has spoken. She put her finger on a white paper that was nailed to books. "Every room has its own rules."

"Obey them and you will be unharmed," added Millie, remembering the sentences from the chalkboard.

"Only five of them." Angelica came up to the list and read it out loud.

1. Under the floor there are ropes. Wrap them around your waist and do not let yourself be cut off from the source at all costs.

2. Each book has its own life. Always ask them before reading. They will open up, if they grant you permission.

3. The books like to change places. Do not trust the books that you have already seen. Do not go in the direction of the books you have already seen.

4. If you will be cut off, beg books for guidance.

5. Once you'll get lost forever, you'll start becoming one of them.

Trevor cleared his throat. "Not scary at all," he sarcastically summed up.

"My personal favorite is becoming a book. What a joke." Kyle shook his head. He crouched down and started knocking on the floor. "Please, open up?"

This surely wasn't meant to be serious, but once he asked, a floor behind him parted, unleashing ten rolled up ropes. He took them out with laughter, checking if every single one was stably attached to the hole in the floor. He used all his strength to try to get them out, but neither gave way.

"Fine, this should work. Wrap them around your waist." He took the first one and tied up around him.

"Wait." Angelica put her hand up, drawing attention to herself. "Are we really going to walk into these endless corridors? We don't even know what we are looking for!"

"Something that will help us understand that game or hint us about places in the school where the gemstones can be." Mark came up to Kyle and took another rope. Even though he was a smartass, he seemed to be a brave one.

Or maybe he's just hyped about all these books, thought Percy, while taking a rope for herself.

"Angelica might have a point." Millie stepped back from the hole in the floor. "We can't all go into these book corridors. Some of us should stay and make sure that the others won't be cut off."

"I volunteer!" stated Angelica with a big smile.

Millie exchanged glances with Percy. She kind of wanted to go into this book labyrinth, but someone trusted from their group should stay on watch.

"We stay too." She took Trevor by the hand, which didn't go unnoticed by Kyle.

"Cool. We should also stay in duets. I'll go with Percy." Blake blinked at her and tied the rope around his waist.

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