51. Game of Reapers

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Percy threw herself at the guard along with the knife she held in her hand. Her body seemed to make movements on its own, as if she was experienced in fighting, even though her opponent was twice her size and much stronger. Even so, she inflicted several sharp cuts on him while avoiding any injury to herself. If it had been just the two of them, Percy would have had a great chance of winning the skirmish, especially since her last blow, which she aimed at the guard, was fatal.

Normally, she would have been remorseful, but she knew that this guard was not only dangerous, but downright unreal. It was just a replica of someone who existed. Created for the purposes of the game. He didn't really exist.

As the guard rolled to the ground with a groan, Percy tried to reach for his gun, but was caught by the other guard, who threw her aside, causing her to roll across the floor in the office. He aimed the rifle at Ryder and made a gesture telling him to move away.

He squatted down next to his co-worker, who was bleeding heavily. Blood began to pool all around, and it was certain that his "life" was coming to an end. He cursed, full of sympathy for his colleague.

"Damn, just as fast as it started, so it ends, huh?" the wounded guard said to the other one. "And that's because of a petite girl."

"You should be ashamed of yourself, fool."

"And I am," he announced, before giving up in his struggle.

His body settled completely to the floor before slowly blurring into the air. Completely as if he had never existed.

A product of the game.

The surviving guard pointed his gun at Percy, who was being picked up from the floor by Ryder. She hoped they would fare a little better, but at least they had one guard out of the way. They only had to face one more - at least that's what she hoped.

"Do you know what's going to happen now?" The guard asked them with anger in his voice. He was a stocky man with short cropped hair, a trained posture and long legs. He wore a black uniform with no inscriptions, badges or other colors on it. Just a fitted basic black uniform.

"We can face each other, too, if you're not afraid of losing," Percy teased, ready to beat him. Adrenaline was bubbling through her veins, and a strength in her body she didn't know existed before.

"You want to fight?" The guard laughed. "As why would I do that?"

"To show that you are better. Well, unless you prefer to hide behind weapons that give you a clear advantage."

The guard came closer to Percy and Ryder, who was standing at her side.

"You're right, it gives me an advantage," he announced, then delivered a sulfurous blow to her stomach with the butt of his rifle.

Percy ran out of breath. She scowled all over, and more memories popped into her head.

Memories of all the fights she had fought in the past. One even with Mint. Until someone separated them. Death.

„That will never happen again. Do the two of you understand that?"

„Then make her stop sending demons after me!" Percy yelled, with a blood on her face, and tears in the eyes. „She's actively trying to kill me! Do something about it, it's your reaper!"

"Death won't do anything about it," Mint replied, sending her gaze full of hatred, but there was something more to it. Satisfaction. She knew she was untouchable.

"Death can speak for itself." It looked at Mint with fury, because she was getting too bold. "And you will stop going after Percy, or there will be consequences."

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