𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓘𝓘

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Third person POV :

Hannes continued to run relentlessly through the destroyed streets of Shiganshina, desperately trying to get Eren and Mikasa to safety. The once vibrant town now lay in ruins, a grim reminder of the horrors they had witnessed.

Eren, who had been in a state of shock after the devastating events, seemed to finally snap out of it. His eyes burned with anger as he glared at Hannes, his fists clenched in frustration. Without warning, he lunged towards Hannes, his strikes fueled by a mix of grief and fury.

" Eren, what are you doing ?!". Hannes exclaimed, taken aback by the sudden attack.

He tried to defend himself against Eren's blows while maintaining a firm grip on the situation.

" We were so close to saving my mom !" Eren shouted, his voice trembling with emotion." Why did you do that ? We almost saved my mom ! And what about Stella ?".

Hannes's gaze hardened as he looked down at the ground, unable to meet Eren's furious eyes. The weight of the situation bore heavily on his shoulders, the burden of the choices he had made becoming almost unbearable. With a heavy sigh, he threw Eren on the floor, causing him to land hard on the ground.

" Get a hold of yourself !". Hannes demanded, his voice firm but tinged with sorrow.

Mikasa, who had been watching the heated exchange, rushed towards Eren, her concern etched across her face.

" Eren !". She exclaimed, her voice filled with worry.

She knelt down beside him, offering him a comforting presence in the midst of chaos.

Eren, still seething with anger, slowly got up and moved towards Hannes once again, intent on delivering his retribution. But before his fist could connect with its target, Hannes easily caught it, his grip strong and unwavering.

" Eren..." Hannes began, his voice heavy with regret." The reason you couldn't save your mom... is that you lacked the strength. The reason... The reason I didn't fight the Titan... was that I lacked the courage ! I'm sorry...".

Eren's eyes widened in astonishment as Hannes's words sank in. The rage that had consumed him slowly gave way to a mixture of confusion and sadness. He released his grip, his anger dissipating like the smoke that rose from the wreckage around them.

Hannes, tears streaming down his face, turned away from Eren's gaze and resumed his march, leading the two children towards safety once more.

The air was heavy with an unspoken understanding as they walked through the ruins, the silence broken only by the distant sounds of destruction. The vibrant, sunny day that had promised joy and adventure had been shattered, replaced by a stark reality filled with loss and despair.

When they turned into a street, Eren and Mikasa's eyes widened as they caught sight of a small auburn-haired girl lying unconscious on the floor. It was a miracle that she hadn't been discovered by a Titan yet. The sight struck a chord deep within them, for they both knew the girl well - it was Stella.

Eren's heart raced, and without a second thought, he let go of Hannes' hand and dashed towards the motionless figure. Mikasa followed suit, her heart pounding in her chest.

" Stella !". Eren's voice echoed through the desolate street, filled with a mix of desperation and relief.

Mikasa knelt down beside the girl, her hands trembling as she gently lifted Stella's small, fragile body. The sight of blood trickling down the side of her head sent a wave of panic coursing through Mikasa's veins. The wound appeared severe, and Mikasa feared the worst.

The Girl Who Lived Beyond the Veil of Titans : Blossoms of DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now