𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓧𝓧𝓘𝓘

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Third person POV :

In an empty field, Draco finally reached the Survey Corps, or at least he hoped it was them. The soldiers donned similar outfits to Estella's, which made him think he had found the right place. Curiosity drove him to survey the area before mustering the courage to approach someone.

" Hey, you. Do you know where I can find... What was his name ? Erwin ? I think ?". Draco asked, hoping to confirm his arrival at the right destination.

The Commander cast a curious glance at him before responding," That would be me. Who are you ?".

" Oh well, I didn't expect to find you as my first encounter. My name is Draco Malfoy. The Captain told me to find you. I suppose you could say I'm a friend of Estella Potter". Draco explained, trying to convey a sense of familiarity.

Hange's eyes widened in surprise," Does that mean you're from the same world as her ?".

" Yes. And before you ask any further, I have no idea how I ended up here. Estella found me when you all were busy with something, and there were these naked monsters everywhere, which was rather bizarre". Draco recounted, recalling the chaotic circumstances that led him to this strange place.

" I see. Well, I'll offer you the same proposition I gave Cadet Potter. Would you consider joining our ranks as a Survey Corps soldier ?". Commander Erwin suggested, considering Draco's potential.

Draco nervously gulped," Are you crazy ? There's no way I'll die at the hands of a naked giant !".

" Oh, well. That's a shame. In that case, we'll have to hand you over to the Military Police". Squad Leader Mike remarked, his tone indicating the seriousness of the alternative.

Commander Erwin nodded in agreement," Indeed. The last thing they would want is to dissect someone who possesses magic before carrying out the execution".

Upon hearing that, Draco's soul almost left his body, the gravity of the situation sinking in. 

" W-wait... I'll join your stupid Survey Corps". He stammered, reluctantly accepting the proposition.

The Commander couldn't help but smile slightly," That's good to know. I'll inform Premier Zackly, and I'll assign you under the supervision of Captain Levi for training. Welcome to the Survey Corps".

" Bloody hell, what did I get myself into...". Draco muttered under his breath, a mixture of fear and uncertainty clouding his mind.

Hange laughed cheerfully," That's nice to have you here ! Hey, maybe you could share some information about your world with me".

Draco couldn't help but cringe slightly as Hange draped an arm around his shoulders. The carefree atmosphere that had enveloped the soldiers was shattered by Levi's urgent call. 

" Four-eyes ! Come here ! Quickly !". Captain Levi's voice rang out urgently. 

Startled, they turned to see Levi hurrying towards them, cradling a wounded person in his arms.

" Estella !". Draco gasped, his expression a mix of horror and concern as he rushed to help Captain Levi and examine the injured girl.

" What happened ?". Hange inquired, their analytical mind already assessing the severity of Estella's injury.

" The Female Titan attacked her, sir. I apologize; we failed to protect her". Oluo explained, a sense of guilt evident in his voice.

Commander Erwin surveyed the scene before turning his attention to Levi, who carefully laid Estella on the ground. 

" The rest of your squad ?". Commander Erwin inquired.

The Captain shook his head solemnly, and the Commander's gaze shifted to Mike. 

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