𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓧𝓘

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Fortunately, our plan seemed to have worked because the Aberrant Titan had started to run towards those who had gathered in front of the HQ. The ground trembled with each of the Titan's heavy steps, sending shivers down my spine.

As the chaos unfolded, Connie and Mikasa seized the opportunity to make a dash towards the HQ. With determination etched on their faces, they swiftly navigated through the buildings, their gazes fixed on the building's windows. I couldn't help feeling nervous as I tried to hold on as best I could to Connie who was carrying me.

" Put your hands in front of your face, Stella ! I wouldn't want you to cut yourself". Connie warned me, his voice laced with concern. 

I nodded, understanding the danger of flying glass shards, and quickly shielded myself as Connie shattered the window to gain entry.

Once inside, the tension in the air was palpable. The HQ was in disarray, its walls adorned with maps and hastily scribbled notes. All the recruits were huddled together, their expressions filled with fear as it seemed they were ready to escape. 

" Stella ! Mikasa, you're...". I heard Jean's voice trailed off as his eyes landed on us. 

Relief washed over his face, and a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

" Thank you, Springels". I whispered with a smile.

Connie beamed at me, setting me down gently on the floor before checking his gas supplies. 

" That was close... It's empty... We did it ! We just barely made it !". He exclaimed, a mix of exhaustion and triumph evident in his voice.

" You're... all alive ?". Jean asked, his voice filled with disbelief as he glanced at each of us in turn.

I approached Jean, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. 

" Glad to see you're doing well, Jeany". I said, my voice filled with genuine relief.

Jean seemed to freeze for a moment, his eyes searching mine. Then, without warning, he engulfed me in a suffocating hug. The strength of his embrace caught me off guard, but I soon relaxed into it, returning the affection. Jean's grip was tight, as if he couldn't bear to let go, and I felt warmth and solace in his presence.

" I promise you that now you can call me by all the stupid nicknames you find. I'm glad to see you again". Jean murmured, his voice muffled against my shoulder.

I chuckled softly, a mix of emotions bubbling within me. 

" Deal, Jeany. I'll come up with plenty of nicknames for you". I replied, my words filled with affection and playfulness.

With a deep breath, Jean finally released his embrace, his eyes sparkling with a renewed sense of purpose. 

" I am so happy to see you again. I was scared to death when I saw you fall". Marco told me, his voice filled with genuine concern, as he gently placed his hand on my arm.

" Sorry for the scare. I'm glad to see you, Marco". I replied, a wave of relief washing over me as I saw his familiar face.

He smiled broadly before making his way over to Armin and the others. I couldn't help but chuckle as Connie playfully patted Armin's back, causing him to stumble forward a bit.

As the commotion settled down, I suddenly felt an arm slip around my shoulders, and I looked up to see Krista and Ymir standing beside me. Krista squeezed my hand, a warm smile gracing her lips.

" Happy to see you, Hawky. One more scare and I thought I would just have to plan the wedding just for Krista and me. I would have been devastated not to be able to fulfill my dream with you". Ymir teased, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

The Girl Who Lived Beyond the Veil of Titans : Blossoms of DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now