𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓥𝓘𝓘𝓘

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The last year of training had been a grueling yet rewarding experience for us. We had spent countless hours honing our skills, refining what we had learned, and pushing ourselves to our limits. 

And here we were today, standing tall and proud, ready to take on our roles as soldiers in the world beyond the training grounds. Two hundred and nineteen trainees stood side by side.

" Hands on your hearts !". Commanded a senior soldier, his voice booming with authority.

" Yes, sir !". We responded in unison, our voices echoing through the training grounds.

The tension in the air was palpable as everyone seemed to wait for the soldier to announce the names of the top ten trainees who had secured a coveted spot in the Military Police. It was a highly competitive position, reserved only for those with exceptional abilities and outstanding performance. But it's not like I was very interested in that military branch.

" I will now announce the top ten soldiers who can join the Military Police," the soldier declared, his voice carrying across the field." Sasha Braus, Connie Springer, Marco Bott, Jean Kirstein, Eren Jaeger, Annie Leonhart, Bertholdt Hoover, Reiner Braun, Mikasa Ackerman, and Estella Potter".

I was quite surprised when I heard that I managed to finish first in this top ten. I wouldn't have thought that old Shadis would put me in first place. Mikasa, undoubtedly superior in every aspect, had not been named first. The news will surely surprise Harry when I tell him about it.

Maybe not Snape, since it would be something that a proud Slytherin would do, searching for excellence.

The soldier continued, outlining the three different paths that lay before us, each with its own distinct purpose and challenges. We had the option to join the Garrison, defending the cities from within the walls, or become members of the renowned Survey Corps, risking our lives to battle Titans in their own territory. 

Lastly, there was the opportunity to serve the King, maintaining order and controlling the crowds as members of the Military Police Brigade. However, the coveted spots in the Military Police were limited to the top ten graduates.

Though the soldier's words hung in the air, my choice had long been made. The other two regiments held little interest for me. All I wanted was to join the Survey Corps and maybe find clues about what I can do for this world or why I am even here, and mostly to fulfill the promise I made years before.

The soldier finally finished his speech. After leaving the graduation area, we all gathered in the mess hall to celebrate our achievements. The tension of the previous moments faded away, replaced by a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie. Mina and Thomas discussed a lot after that, to plan something after everything that'll be settled.

Connie, with a wide smile on his face, exclaimed," I did it ! I'm in the Military Police now !".

Sasha, her mouth full of food, giggled and said between bites," We'll never have to worry about having food again !".

I joined in the jubilation, congratulating my friends," Well done, Springels, Sasha !". 

My grin matched theirs, reflecting the shared joy.

Connie turned to me, his eyes gleaming with admiration, and said," Y-yeah, you too ! You finished first, congratulations !".

I chuckled, feeling a bit embarrassed by the attention," It was quite a surprise, honestly. I didn't even think I was in the ranking. I mean, there were so many people better than me".

" Don't be stupid, food sis' ! You're really good ! I've seen you in training, and you're awesome". Sasha reassured me with genuine warmth.

Reiner, always the strong and dependable friend, put his arm around my shoulders and declared," A real soldier".

The Girl Who Lived Beyond the Veil of Titans : Blossoms of DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now