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We sat on the ground and waited for the gates to open up, "Ria, why do they kill people?" Glen asked.

"Oh sweetface, it's just who they are, but they love you both very much, never doubt that," I said, as I hugged him to comfort him.

"Will they kill you?" Glen asked.

"I hope not sweetface, but if they do I won't fight them on it. I can't hurt them, you know how much I care for them even if they don't care about me the same way it's something I've come to live with. But Glen promise me if they do you won't be mad at them, they're your parents and they love you just as much as I do if not more" I said.

"Ria, we can't promise that," Glen said.

"Glen promise me, you'll stay with them and love them no differently. I've accepted my death, Glen. I know one day I will die and it could be soon, but your parents will be around forever like you. So sweetface promise you'll stay with them. I need to know that the people I care about are all together" I said, cupping his face.

"Okay, Ria I promise," Glen said.

"Does Glenda promise as well?" I asked, and he nodded, I smiled and gave him a hug. "Thanks, sweetface," I said, when the gate opened, I carried Glen and dragged the suitcase behind me, I went up to the door and opened it and headed inside. Glen started to snore lightly so I knew he had fallen asleep.

"Hey sweetface, is he asleep?" Tiffany asked.

"Yeah, is there somewhere I can put him down?" I asked, she nodded and turned around so I followed her. She brought us to a room, so I put him on the bed and tucked him in, I caressed his face before standing up, Tiffany was looking at me weird. "What?" I asked.

"You love him as your own don't you?" Tiffany asked.

"I do, I raised them for the last six years, emotions were bound to grow for them, but I know he isn't mine and I'm glad he has the both of you," I said, as I gave Glen a smile.

"He could be ya know," Chucky said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Drink this dollface," Chucky said, giving me a glass of wine.

I was scared, but I figured why not and started to drink the wine, "if you plan to kill me, just don't do it in front of Glen or Glenda, and do it while they're either just transferred or while they are dolls. I don't want to put them through that, and one good thing I found out is if they're transferred into babies, they won't retain much memory of the life they had, because they'll have new memories to make as they grow, it'll be as if I was never there" I said, as I caressed Glen's face. "they really are sweet kids and deserve the world" I said when everything started to get a little foggy. "What the fuck Chucky? Tiffany? I trusted you" I slurred out, as I went to stand up, but as I stood up everything went black.

When I came to, I was bound on a bed, next to Jennifer and Redman, they were looking at me with wide eyes and I was looking at them the same way. I started to struggle against the bonds holding my arms above the bed, when Tiffany walked in, I glared at her. "Don't look at me like that sweetface, we needed a second baby for Glen and Glenda" Tiffany said, my eyes widened, as she took the gag off.

"Ya know Tiff you could've just asked. You didn't need to drug me, or at least let me know you were going to drug me" I snapped.

"We didn't think you would've agreed," Chucky said.

"Of course, I would've," I said.

"Let Ria go, Mom," Glenda said, as she came into the room.

"Glenda don't you dare," I said, looking at her, pleading with her to keep quiet.

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