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I woke up with both Chucky and Tiffany asleep on my chest, but I realized I looked nine months pregnant, and I let out a groan. "Ria, are you okay?" Glen whispered as he came in and sat on the bed next to me, I smiled at him reassuringly.

"Of course sweetface, I just didn't expect to look nine months pregnant when I woke up," I said, and he laughed when I felt the baby kick, which woke Chucky and Tiffany up.

"Woah you're huge," Chucky said, as he saw my stomach.

"Chucky," Tiffany scolded, hitting his shoulder.

I let out a laugh, "I know, and I really have to use the bathroom" I said, as I started to wiggle a bit in my bonds, Chucky nodded and untied me and they got off my chest and I sat up. "At least I don't have to spend nine months pregnant," I said.

"It's a voodoo pregnancy, it's accelerated," Tiffany said, I nodded when I heard muffled screams.

"I'll go let her off, she may have to use the bathroom as well," I said, getting off the bed and going to Jennifer's room, she was looking at me wide-eyed and I smiled at her. I went over and untied her hands "we have ten minutes to wash up and use the bathroom" I said, and she nodded and we left the bedroom and headed to the bathroom.

"How the hell do we look so pregnant?" Jennifer asked as she used the toilet, I had my back turned to allow her some privacy.

"That's voodoo for you, we'll give birth sometime today or tomorrow," I said.

I heard the toilet flush and she walked in front of me to the sink so I used the toilet. "Will I really be let free?" Jennifer asked when I stood next to her.

"Yes, you have nothing to worry about Jennifer," I said, as we went back to my room and sat on the bed. "They aren't too bad ya know, they are just doing what's best for their kids, your pictures just happened to be on the TV when they came home and decided you were the ones to carry the kid," I said.

"Maria, what are you doing here with Jennifer?" Tiffany asked.

"I figured, it would be best to separate them and keep us together, that way when the kids are born, Glen and Glenda don't have to go to two rooms to transfer," I said.

"Good idea," Chucky said as he came in, with the rope. Jennifer let out a whimper.

"If you aren't cooperative they will be forceful and you'll hurt your baby Jen, you don't want that do you?" I asked, looking at her and she nodded. She let out a sigh but stretched her arms up when we could hear the door, but it was too late as her arms were bound and she couldn't break free, so she started to scream for help.

"Shut her up," Tiffany said, Chucky rolled his eyes and put a gag in her mouth, as we heard footsteps when we saw a female with blond hair on fire fall down the staircase to her death. Jennifer had tears falling down her face as I put my arms above my head and allowed myself to be bound. When Jennifer started to scream, the sound muffled by the gag, "shit, she's going into labour" Tiffany said, as Jennifer let out another scream. "Come on Ms. Tilly push," Tiffany said, encouraging her to push. I started to feel light contractions, that it caused my breathing to increase.

"Glen my phone ahhh the chants site, show Chucky" I panted out.

Glen nodded and grabbed my phone from my bag, "what is it?" Chucky asked.

"Ria found a way to split a soul into multiple vessels," Glen said, when the contractions got to be less than five minutes apart, and I let out a scream no longer able to just breathe through the contractions.

"Chucky you deliver Maria's, Jennifer's is being contrary," Tiffany said, as both Jennifer and I let out a scream.

"Never again" I panted as the contraction ended.

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