Chapter 37

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Grace's eyes blinked open in the morning light before Silas came into focus. He was lying on his side, his arm around her waist his eyes focused on her.
"Hey" she smiled.
"Hey" Silas smiled back before the door to the bedroom flew open and Ashley stormed in, Miles, Chloe, Poppy, Mason and Alex behind her.
"I knew you'd be here!" Ashley shot in a fit of anger.
"Ashley stop this please" Silas begged.
"No! I've had enough of being the other woman. What do I have to do to get your attention!?" Ashley yelled.
"I didn't want your attention! I never did!" Silas yelled back.
"We have a child together!-"
"I only wanted children with Gracie!-"
"Well, it's a good thing that Max isn't yours then!" Ashley yelled, stunning the room into silence.
"What?" Silas asked the room remaining silent "What do you mean he's not mine!?" Silas asked again this time raising his voice louder.
"You rarely ever touch me, you seriously thought he was yours? God, you know what you're doing when we fuck, but you rarely touch me so what was I supposed to do?" she shrugged crossing her arms over her chest.
"You're not supposed to say he's mine!" Silas yelled at her "Believe me when I say the only reason why I stayed with you was because of Max, nothing else kept me with you" Silas admitted.
"You want him?" Ashley directed at Grace.
"I've tried not to but, I do" Grace admitted.
"Then I'm done. Fuck you and fuck this messed up family. I'm going to find Max's real dad" Ashley shot storming out of the room in anger.
"It's done. We can finally be together" Silas sighed lightly. Grace sat up in the bed, her legs hanging over the edge as she held the covers up to her chest to cover herself as she stared off into the distance "Gracie?" Silas almost whispered as he noticed her blank expression.
"I wanted this, so why do I feel like I've ruined everything?" Grace said eventually meeting his eye "I need you to go. Please" Grace pleaded.
"Call me later, please" he pleaded kissing her shoulder lightly before he moved off the bed taking a blanket with him to cover himself as he grabbed his clothes and left the room.
"I'm going to visit your grandfather today if any of you want to come" Grace told her children and their partners.
"You might want to cover the hickeys first mom" Poppy told her gently making Grace's hand go straight to her neck and erupting a red blush over her chest.

When Grace and the kids got to the hospital Margaret was sat on the edge on Robert's bed holding his hand and talking to him.
"Hey dad" Grace smiled entering the room followed by the kids.
"Hey sweetie" Robert smiled at his daughter as she crossed the room and placed a kiss to his cheek.
"You look better" Grace smiled as he took her hand.
"I'm feeling better. It's just my heart that needed a rest" he smiled but it didn't help to put her at ease.
"What's that on your neck?" Margaret asked rubbing slightly at the make-up Grace had used in an attempt to cover up the hickey's "I thought you broke-up with Christopher" Her mother commented making a blush spread over her cheeks.
"I... slept with... Silas again... last night" Grace admitted.
"You've been sleeping with him since he got here" Poppy laughed earning a glare from her mother.
"You underestimate how persuasive you father is and how skilful-"
"Mom! Gross!" Poppy groaned.
"Grace. He broke your heart-"
"Both our hearts broke when we lost Maddie. He's still the man I love, the man I had children with. He deserves a second chance" Grace told them.
"He doesn't deserve you" Robert shot back.
"Dad" Grace rolled her eyes.
"How hard can it be to just say no to him?" Robert asked.
"It's harder than it looks" Grace muttered just loud enough for them to hear.
"I bet that's what he said" Mason joked earning a glare from everyone in the room "Sorry"
"Enough talk about Silas, when are you getting out of here?" Grace asked her father.
"By the end of the week and I've been told to take it easy" he told her.
"You'd better. We're not ready to lose you just yet dad" Grace smiled, squeezing his hand lightly.
"I've got some life left in me yet" Robert smiled "Besides I have a great-grandbaby to meet" he smiled at Poppy and her still growing 6-month bump.

Grace entered her house and headed straight to her bedroom to change before she headed into her art studio. She took out a large canvas and even bigger cans of paint.
"You wearing any panties?" Came Silas's smirking voice from the doorway.
"Why don't you come and check?" Grace suggested with a smirk. Silas crossed the room towards her in nothing but his boxers before he sunk to his knees, he dipped his hand into the can of paint. Slowly he ran his hand up her leg covering her in paint, eliciting a shiver from her as the cold liquid covered her skin.
"Your body is the best art work I've ever seen" Silas breathed against her leg as he reached the bottom of her shirt.
"I don't feel guilty anymore" Grace admitted smirked down at him before his hand drifted higher under the shirt before he eventually found her center.
"Your going to enjoy this" Silas smirked, covering his other hand in paint before he ran it up her other leg.
"Fuck" Grace shivered. When she looked down at Silas he was undoing the very last button of her shirt with his teeth and tongue "Fucking rip it off" Grace bit, feeling herself needing him more desperately the longer she watched him.
"Take your shirt off" Silas ordered before he moved to pull her canvas to the floor.
"You want to make art" Grace smirked at him as she dropped the shirt from her shoulders. Silas watched as she dipped her hands into the paint can before she moved to stand in front of him. Grace met his eye as she flattened her palms against his chest before she ran them down his body towards the waistband of his boxers.
"Lie down Gracie" Silas ordered, watching as she moved to lie down on the canvas in front of him, her eyes glued to his as she spread her legs for him to see. He quickly pulled his boxers off before he dipped his hands in paint again, this time wiping it all over his body before watching as Grace did the same.
"Are you ready, my darling?" Silas asking, looking down at her.
"Hell, yes" Grace let out breathily and Silas covered her with his own body in a flash.

Grace emerged from her art studio covered in paint, now wearing her shirt once again.
"Mom?" Came Miles's voice from further down the hall.
"Kids. I didn't know you were back yet" Grace stuttered nervously.
"Why are you covered in paint?" Alex asked.
"I...I dropped a paint went everywhere-" Grace stuttered as the door to her art studio opened again revealing Silas in his boxers, also covered in paint.
"Paint fell? In streaks that look a lot like hand prints?" Miles challenged.
"I...I'm going to take a shower" Grace muttered before she headed off upstairs.
"I'm going to take a shower...also" Silas nodded before he followed after Grace, earning groans and shakes of their children's heads.

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