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"Contradiction is not a sign of falsity, or the lack of contradiction a sign of truth."



As the light shined brighter, Karos saw two men lying still, lifeless on the ground near where Ake once laid his head. His eyes found Ake's burning ones as it held a man struggling for dear life in its arms. Ake squeezed and squeezed until finally the man snapped and broke with the same sound a twig would make.

"Ake, enough!"

Ake shot him a glare brimming with anger and, with a cracking noise, it finally decided to let the man go. It kicked the dead men away from it like garbage and started its approach towards him.

Before he could utter another word, a man came from behind him, sword raised and ready to strike. Karos grabbed the hilt of his sword, but Ake unarmed the man and thrust the sword once, then twice into his stomach. Ake twisted and turned the blade until the man lurched, hands clawing at the metal. He let out a gasp with the last of his breath. Soon, Ake kicked the dying man away from his stolen blade and eyed Karos with a stare simmering with hatred.

"Ne gan clem ê ta le damadas!" Ake grabbed his arm and yanked him towards his direction nearly dragging him out of the tent. "Vos amo ta unigus ashas ne Quao!" it shouted in an angry whisper.

The grip Ake had on his arm was causing it to bruise. Still, the beast did not relent. It only tightened its hold.

"Karos, Ake, you are leaving in the mid of night. The outside air is so cold and harsh. Why leave now?" a sweet voice asked.

He was garbed in a thick, golden, wool robe that covered every inch of his figure beside his face. The golden locks of his hair only made him stand out further.

"Your men attacked us as we slept. We feel as though our presence is not quite desired here," Karos said. He tried to wrestle out of its grasp but Ake's grip only worsened causing him to hiss.

"Forgive me, but they were not acting on my orders. You see, I do command them but they are human. They have free will and reign over their own bodies." His eyes skimmed down Ake's torn shirt with a scowl set on his face.

"On my honor, I would not let a single one of my men lay a hand on him. Beauty is such a bewitching thing."

Hands on him, Karos mused. The thing was a beast. He should be worried about his own pathetic excuse of a life.

Before it could speak, he went on to cut it off.

 "We overstayed our welcome. Thank you for your... kindness you showed us today. However, we need to be on our way now."

"Very well then." He heard the reluctance in his voice, but he motioned for his men to step aside and allowed them to pass.

"I wish you both a safe journey. Do well to take great care of that servant of yours."

The moment they were no longer in eye view of the pillagers, Karos yanked his arm away. He could feel the blood pulsing back into his deadening arm from the release.

"Ah, yes, please do take your anger out on me!" That only caused him to be pushed onto the ground. The beast narrowed its eyes at him, its mouth curling into a snarl.

"If I wanted to sell you and be rid of you I would have, but I did no such thing!"

"Ne é!"

"I did not! You probably would not have been nearly as much as I would desire to have, regardless," Karos spat.

"Aniya byuna," it growled.

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