T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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"Everything we do, even the slightest thing we do, can have a ripple effect and repercussions that emanate." 



Ake walked around the palace trying to lose Eria. He did not want to see her face. He did not want to be near her. Everyone he thought he could trust he could not, and the one person he thought he could not trust might be the only one he truly could. 

"Oraanu," Ake breathed. He had hoped he would not betray him. If he had, Ake would never find it in his heart to ever forgive him or any of them, for the matter. 

He pressed his hand to the side that continued to ache and burn. It was a cold burn that chilled him and caused his body to become wracked with shivers. Just the other night, he had broken out into a cold sweat. To say he was not worried, Ake would be lying to himself and he felt terrible for having such thoughts. Karos had his trust, but doubt still lingered. 

Many dragons bowed and moved to the sides of the hallway as Ake continued to walk to his sister's room. Illiya was absent from many gatherings. After her ceremony, Ake had not seen her but in passing. She was angry with him and Ake thought she had much reason to be. He had been caught in the wave and passion that was Karos and failed to help her as a result. This had all happened because of him, after all.

Urnu bowed just as Ake stopped in front of his sister's door. 

"Is she inside?"

Urnu shook his head.

"Then why are you here? You are her retainer."

"She had told me to stay here. She has been wanting to be alone since the rites had been said," Urnu murmured. 

"Is she angry?"

Again, he shook his head.

"More calm than most days, My Prince." 

Ake gave him a curt nod and walked away towards where Mercy's temple could be found. She had always loved it there. Whenever she was upset she would go there. He knew this because it was a place held dear inside his heart. It is how Mercy and he became so close. 

He was only a couple steps outside the palace before Ake felt one of Errol's arms wrapping around his neck and pulling him close. 

"Dear little brother."

"What is it that you want," Ake hissed.

Errol felt along his neck and stepped in front him as he placed both his hands on either side of his face. 

"Your complexion is rather pale. You do not feel so hot either."

Ake slapped his hands away from him.

"Has that human done something?  

Errol stopped him with a tight grasp on his wrist. 

"Obsidian? It is obsidian, is it not? Ake!" 

"My health should not concern you!"

"Oh, but I am sure Father will have some words—"

"Then tell him. I do not care. Go on and do it." Errol spun him around causing the grip on him to tighten and cause him pain. 

"Ake, you insolent little— This is why humans are never supposed to be in possession of our gems nor our hearts! You can love until you bleed and your heart turns black, but the results are always the same." 

"And what results are those?" Ake mocked.

"Death. Nothing but death." 

"Mercy would not allow such a thing to happen. Although malicious as he can be, he is quite merciful and kind and caring." 

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