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"You will begin to feel threatened when something as precious as a friend, slowly, becomes lost to you, and found by someone else."



Karos looked around at the green vegetation growing a few yards away from Sydania's home. They were covered in a blanket of frost. Yet, still, they grew.

He bent down and shook them free of the frost. They reminded him of Ake; always pushing through no matter the obstacle or how painful it might become for him. Many might have thought that was a valiant trait to have, but to Karos all it was, was foolishness.

There was nothing that anyone could say to relieve him of all the guilt he had been feeling since their encounter with the phoenix. He had caused that wound that Oraanu had taken advantage of. Now, Ake was in that state because of him.

"Ah, you found it!" Gretcha came running and bent down right next to him to take a look.

"These are what we call Emerald Dust leaves." Karos looked at her taking in her small form. She was a child, no older than five and ten.

"See how they hold faint traces of glimmering green dust? It comes from the starch of the plant that has not yet been consumed. Too much food." She smiled up at him with pearls of white teeth.

Ever since Karos laid Ake down on the bed, the girl has been attached to him and glared at Fariel whenever given the chance. Karos did not know the slightest reason why she had become this way towards him, but he did not mind it. Having someone to keep him company and keep his thoughts of Ake away was helpful.

"I see... " Karos went on and said after some silence passed.

"But do not mistake this for Lassic. It is similar in coloring, however, it is quite poisonous to dragons. It has no ill effect on us."

"And the Emerald Dust plant...?" Karos questioned.

"Great for dragons. It helps with the healing process. They heal quite fast if you have not noticed. Though, there are some inhibitors such as phoenix feathers and obsidian... gwasa's teeth." She began plucking off the leaves one by one. "However, they are poisonous to us, so never consume it."

A quick glance at his sword caused Karos to scoff.

"I am sure you would have no reason to."

"Why is it you know so much about plants? Did your mother teach you this?"

She nodded her head full of brown hair.

"She has many dragon friends... dragons with no homes, no friends... she helps them get back to who they once were hoping she can do the same for herself," she mumbled.

"So you know about their—"

"Human selves? Yes. Have you not ever heard of the stories when you were young?"

His eyebrows furrowed at her question.

"The story about how the dragons became human or, at least, part human. It is my favorite. Maybe Mother will read it tonight."

The girl eyed him, but all Karos could do was stare at the sky bewildered. "All the children's tales of dragons, humans, phoenixes, griffins, and monsters are real?"

"Yes, they are not fairytales. They are stories passed down from ages of time, Karos. Many lost the true meaning through time."

"Is there some chance people will know what Ake is?" She nodded her head causing panic to surface to Karos' mind. Is that what he meant? Why is was better for them to no longer be associated with one another?

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