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"I still don't see why Shiva can't just give you a tour himself. He's the one that wants you here." Vesper grumbled.

A guilty smile overtook my features. "Why is it that you're so against me being here?" I asked curiously.

He stopped walking. The sound of the heels of his shoes clicking against the paved ground beneath us came to a pause. He turned to me and I clasped my hands together. "This is not your home. The only reason you're here right now is because my nuisance of a brother took pity on you." He growled.

His words stabbed at my heart and I looked up at him, feeling my lips quiver. His face remained the same, but something changed in his eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry that me being here bothers you so much, and I'm sorry that I intruded, but I had nowhere else to go..!" I whimpered, looking down as I dug my nails into the skin of my palms.

Everything was silent for a moment. Even the wind that rustled the bushes and trees had stopped. And then I felt a pressure on my head. A hand gave slow, soothing rubs and pats. I glanced up in surprise.

Vesper was looking away with a frown on his face as usual, but his hand was nestled in my hair. "Just shut up. I won't pity you like my brother so just knock it off already," he said. He didn't sound mean like he usually did. Maybe that was his way of comforting me.

I bit back a small smile. I nodded and wiped my eyes. He quickly retracted his hand and put them behind his back. He then looked down at me expectantly. I wiped my damp fingers on my sleeves and shyly turned away from him.

A sigh escaped him and he continued walking again after turning away from me. I soon joined him, waiting for him to continue explaining what everything was and what it was meant for. "Following the paved pathways will lead you through the gardens and around the back of the mansion. They end where the woods begin. Don't go in there. It is dangerous, especially at night," he said. He stopped right beside some hedges at the entrance to the gardens.

I paused beside him and observed the inside of said gardens. They were huge and incredible! A look of awe crossed over my face. "Wow, that's amazing! Who takes care of all this?" I asked excitedly. Gardening wasn't my forte and I had definitely never been good at it, but I found it quite intriguing.

Vesper looked down at me, a look of what seemed to be arrogance on his face. "Myself of course. Surely you don't believe Shiva is competent enough to do all this by himself?" He questioned incredulously.

I laughed and I thought I caught a glimpse of a smile on his lips before it was quickly gone. I stared into his bright eyes. "My apologies." I looked back over to the gardens. "You do an incredible job, this is the most beautiful garden I've ever laid eyes on," I commented, gazing back up at him with a grin on my face.

He put his hand on his hip. "I'm surprised you've even seen a garden," he teased with a small smirk. I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"Evangeline, I need you for a little while. You can continue your activities with Vesper later." A familiar voice said from behind us. I turned around and was met with the recognizable sight of Shiva.

I smiled at him. "Alright. See you later, Vesper." I waved to him as I walked back to the house with Shiva. I looked up at the raven haired male beside me. "So what did you need me for?" I asked curiously.

He opened the door and allowed me inside, quickly following behind me. He began leading me to a pair of doors. "I thought we could have some tea as I explain the few rules we have here, printesa," he stated as he grinned cheekily.

I nodded in understanding and he opened one of the doors to reveal what looked to be a study. I stepped inside and he motioned to one of the chairs. I sat down and he sat across from me. I saw that the tea was already prepared on the small table between us.

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