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"The man you've seen is the righthand man to the leader of this clan we've told you about. His name is Keir. His eyes turn purple when he uses his ability to put his target in a trance. They can't move or speak unless he compels them to do so," Shiva explained.

My pacing ceased as I inhaled sharply and plopped down into a chair in the lounge room. Not very ladylike, I know. I covered the bottom of my face with my hand. "But wh-why me? Why is he doing this to me?" I asked shakily. I sniffled as I took in another breath.

Vesper folded his arms over his chest. "We... used to know his leader. He's a terrifying vampire and just the mention of him strikes fear into the hearts of many. He likes to play with his toys and we're just a few of them. It seems he's added you to his collection," he stated as he nodded towards me.

Shiva frowned at him. I clasped my hands together tight enough to dig my nails into my palms. "Who is he?" I softly inquired. I was anxious about the answer.

Both vampires looked at each other. The raven haired male looked reluctant, but Vesper didn't seem to have an issue with telling me. He quickly stared back at me and I met his gaze. "He goes by the name Sebastian. Although, I doubt it's his real name." He scoffed.

A chill ran through my body. Was he the man I saw with the one known as Keir? If so, then who was the other male? My thoughts were interrupted by Shiva clearing his throat. "They may be after you now, but as soon as they find out you're some sort of seer, then we'll really have problems," he said with a sigh.

I looked at him confusedly. "A seer? What is that?" I asked in a puzzled manner. Vesper shook his head and walked towards the wall. I watched as he leaned against it and stared out the window.

I glanced back at Shiva. "A seer is a person that can foresee the future. That's what you are," he informed calmly. He offered me a soft smile afterwards.

I tilted my head. "What? That's what those visions are? I'm really a seer?" I clarified. Shiva nodded in response. "But-but why would that change things?" I stammered.

A hint of a smirk found its way to Vesper's expression. "Seers are rare. There hasn't been a known seer in a century. Anybody would kill to have one by their side," he answered.

My breath hitched in fear. So I'm a target now? "How would they find out?" I continued. I gripped my hands so tight it could start to draw blood. I quickly inhaled a small breath and released them.

Shiva ran a hand through his hair. "A seer's visions start off simple and short, but as time goes on they start getting stronger and more noticeable. They're triggered by strong feelings. I can only assume that for you, it was fear." I stared at him. "The fear you felt the night you found out we were vampires was the greatest fear you've ever felt." He was soon interrupted.

Vesper stepped in front of me and I flinched as his sharp eyes bore into me. "However, that begs another question," he began. I bit my lip anxiously as he crossed his arms in front of him. "Why were you more scared then rather than the night your entire family was killed by what you called bandits?" He hummed. Shiva glared at him.

I stared him him with a shocked expression. "I-" I cut myself off. What was I supposed to stay? My eyes filled with tears, thinking about that night. I looked up at them. Vesper was looking at me expectantly and even Shiva looked intrigued. "I-I don't know. I don't know," I repeated. I was scared. Vesper scoffed and I stood up. "I don't know!" I exclaimed. "I- all I remember is getting attacked by these bandits. My family was slaughtered! I watched my little siblings die right in front of me!" I cried in a pleading manner, begging for them to understand.

His face hardened. "So why didn't you do anything? It seems you didn't hesitate to stab Shiva with your dagger. Where was that then?" He pried.

I choked back a sob as images of that night flashed through my mind. "I didn't have it! M-my father.. he gave it to me before h-he told me to run. H-he just told me to prot-tect myself." I whimpered, roughly rubbing my eyes as tears streamed down my face.

I felt myself being taken into cold arms. "Vesper, that's enough." Shiva. I grabbed onto the front of his shirt and buried my face into his chest. I felt Shiva's hand run through my hair.

I heard Vesper sigh in a disappointed manner. "Oh well. If you want to deal with her lies that's on you. Don't ask for my help when she stabs you with a stake." Based on the sounds of fading footsteps I guessed he had started to walk away.

"She's not lying." The footsteps stopped. "The first night she told us, it's all her mind was filled with." Shiva tightened his grip on me. "I could feel her fear and see what she was thinking of. You're not that heartless, you know it's true," he said to his brother. The footsteps only continued until I couldn't hear them anymore. Shiva didn't let go, but he glanced down at me. "Don't worry, printesa, he feels remorse for making you cry and not trusting you. He's always like that, I'm sorry," he stated in a gentle tone.

I only nodded, not looking up at him. My face was soaked with tears and I'm sure my makeup was smudged all over. At least my sobs had ceased. Why would Vesper do that? How could he?

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